Unite means Compromise!

Day 642, 13:47 Published in Canada Canada by RiffWire

The minister of communication for the current e Canadian government made an argument today that the separate factions currently inciting a RW in BC should unite under one banner.

The so called factions that he is speaking of are e Canadians that have no political wings, the CRM or the Canadian Resistance Movement specifically, does have a diplomatic section and speaks with ambassadors from allied countries that have contacted the organisation.

Bruck’s Canucks an organisation this paper has had little contact with also appears to be motivated by the same reasons.

The diplomatic section of the CRM is designed specifically to assist foreign governments in their
Coordination as to where the paramilitary unit of the CRM can be best deployed to help assist these friendly nations in their wars.

The same invitation has been made to the e Canadian government only to be rebuffed on numerous occasions and fall on deaf ears. Whether or not these groups are perceived as a political threat to the current government I cannot say, this paper is not privileged to cabinet discussions, and does not wish to be.

One thing is certain, the actions of the resistance movements in attacking BC was enough of a wake-up call to the government that these organisations have the means to start wars and move paramilitary units into place prior to attacking clearly shows an organisation capability that is equalled to most governments today.

The outcome of this fight to liberate BC will fall directly on the resistance movements who have incited this RW, a very important region of e Canada is up for the taking, and will the e Canadian government Show up?

It is not a case of political gain from any of the resistance movements, this paper knows that the CRM has no interest in running candidates in any elections now or in the future, it is a disagreement with certain personalities in the government who would not listen and were unwilling to cooperate for reasons that escape me, after all in a country that was as devastated as e Canada, one would think the leaders of this nation would be open and willing to cooperate with all e Canadians for the benefit of e Canada.

Should the resistance movement fail in BC, then a group of highly motivated e Canadians will learn from the mistakes and shall not fail a second time.

To proclaim the government was unaware of the surprise attack on BC is the fault of the e Canadian government for their refusal to even open dialogue with these non political movements, yes there is a clash of personalities, but in times of great uncertainty, egos should be checked at the door.

Today e Canadians woke up to the news that fellow citizens from all social and economical stripes had started a RW to liberate BC for the good of e Canada, with no higher motivation than to return to e Canada that which is rightfully ours, British Columbia.

The e Canadian government was also given a wakeup call today the citizens of this great nation want e Canada back in her entirety and we will finance to the best of our current abilities the means to make it happen.

Can the various resistance movements do this alone? The simple answer is no, we need all e Canadians and our government to assist and answer the call, we have sacrificed in the past, we may have to sacrifice in the future, but right now a Jewel in our nations fabric is on the line.

So to the Minister I say, yes we need to Unite, but to unite there must be compromise from the government, the resistance movements are gain strength each and every day, military, economical and average e Canadians joining because these movements employ them, heal them, feed them and arm them, all for one purpose, the liberation of e Canada.

One Camp, Many Tents.