Day 1,958, 11:25 Published in Turkey Turkey by egemen_i

= Shout =

Today we witnessed a sad event. I’m not talking about lolish war but the pointless act of Turkish government. This Law proposed by our cp without consulting Turkish citizens, and therefore has no significance behalf of Turkish people. We believe that alliances should not depend on damagehood and we know that there is no real brotherhood in any alliance except EDEN.

It is obvious that EDEN HQ malfunctions for a very long time, however we don’t accept today’s defeat is solely based on EDEN. It might be a one factor but there is a much important factor like the lack of organization among Turkish authorities.

Our Cp, Hacoguz is a respected person and I like him. However he didn’t contribute to eTurkey as much as OUR MOD TEAM DID. Today Hacoguz failed to organize his citizens against Poland, and we should not seek any other excuses. I don’t like to mark him as a scapegoat, but this article is written because of his proposal to leave EDEN.

Leventdumuzzi (and our MoD TEAM) (i don't know their nicknames, sorry for not mentioning) worked so hard this term and he spent all of his free time for Turkey. Also I thank him for everything he did for eTurkey this term because he showed an outstanding effort, and bitch slapped Serbia in an appropriate way.

To sum up, we should realize the importance of such brotherhoods by looking ugly and disgusting relationships among COT and TWO countries (except U.S. who always supported her allies), and we should not give up so easily.

We as Turkish citizens state that we will be with our brothers no matter what our corrupted government thinks and hereby we declare an ULTIMATUM to Turkish government because of it’s reckless actions.

Turkey be clever or there will be blood.
Our friends are clear, we will continue to fight for our brothers.




Ozetle verilen alliance' dan ayrilma yasasini eTurkiye halki cogunlugu olarak kabul etmiyoruz. Kafaniza gore is yapmadan once referandum fln yapin. Hacoguz abimizi severim, sayarim, yasinada hurmetim vardir ama bu savasi kaybetmemizin en buyuk nedeni organizasyon eksikligi ve idari hatalardir. Butun yuku bir kisinin ustune birakirsaniz olacagi budur hic edene bok atmayin.

EDEN' den cikalim diye naralar atanlar 1 yil oncesini cok cabuk unutmusa benziyor. Bizi ordan oraya ceken, kopek muamelesi yapan, suan bile uyelerine ayni yildirma politikasiyla yaklasan alliancelarin ne bok oldugunu unutmayin. Ben bu oyunu 4 yildir oynuyorum edenden aldigimiz destegin yarisini 3 yil boyunca diger alliancelardan almadik. Artik bu nankorlugu birakin, kendinizi komik duruma dusurmeyin. Bugunku yenilginin sebebi SATIN ALINMAYAN DAMAGE, TANK DAGITIMINDAKI AKSAMALAR, YETERLI ORGANIZASYONUN YAPILMAMASI, MUTTEFIKLERIN YETERLI BILGILENDIRILMEMESI'dir.

Basarisiz olmus hukumet ne dusunurse dusunsun, akli basinda herseyin farkinda olan oyuncular EDEN icin savasacaktir. Buda Turk hukumetine ve Two saksakcilarina bir Ultimatomdur. Akilli olun. Optm.

Levent Reyiz
Seni bu donem oncesine kadar hic sevmesemde bugun buralara geldiysek senin cabalarin sayesindedir. Sirba attigin tokat hala olmedigimizin kanitidir. 1 ay boyunca yaptigin tum calismalarin icin sana gonulden tesekkur ediyorum. Gercekten harika calistin, cok mucadele verdin. Kaybin icin allahtan rahmet ve bas sagligi diliyorum. Allah yakinlarina sabir versin. Bundan sonra reyizimizsin ne dersen o.

Reyizlerimizden ozellikle napan, silniy, O.G Loc ve diger reizlerin div2-3 e supply pack almasi beni cok duygulandirdi. Iyiki varsiniz. Yarin organize olup tekrar deneyecegiz, yilmak yok, zaman birlik olma vakti. Yarinki malum savasta yine bu divlere pack alabilcek arkadaslar varsa O.G Loc yada silniy reizle irtibata gecsin. Karar verdik Polaklari burdan kovacaz.