Two Wrongs - Make One Wrong

Day 1,100, 03:57 Published in USA USA by Samuel Seabury

Well, if you weren't outraged enough by the callous, cruel and unlawful manipulation of game mechanics to rig elections in this game, you now have this whopper:

Really ? Can it really get any worse than this ? SUSPENDING democratic elections in the eUSA to MANIPULATE congressional elections in eRussia ?

Who says this is the right way to play this game ? Who thinks this was a good idea ?

It is time for a general strike. Tomorrow, I call on all loyal eAmericans to stay home from the polls. Tomorrow, you should observe the Eight Imperatives of Inactivity and make a stand. Make your voices heard not just with words, but with deeds trhat explain, with the clarity and stillness of silence, what you think of this latest offense against all that is right and reasonable.

Samuel Seabury