Turbulence and Solidarity in Russia

Day 383, 17:20 Published in Russia Russia by Manifesto

Hello comrades,

I would like to apologize once again for the lack of any government publication over the last few days, especially when we needed it most. Final exams run me until Friday this week, which unfortunately coincide with the turbulent events in our Union. I will continue to work diligently as Premier of the Soviet Union to resolve this crisis, as well as work with other political leaders to collectively eliminate the threats to our country.

On Friday the 5th, government hijacking goons attempted to overthrow the political sovereignty of the USSR and claim the Presidency for themselves. Their move was a massive, deliberate, and well organized attack on our country which was very fortunately defeated by the united efforts of the combined efforts of all Russians under the banner of freedom. Our combined 88 votes overshadowed their 62, and Russia once again remains in the hands of its people.

I would like to give a special thanks to Citizen Travis and Smirnoff for their quick and decisive efforts to prevent the diversion of votes to best defeat the goon invasion. Thanks to their quick thinking, and to the solidarity and spirit of the Russian people, the Presidency remains in free peoples hands. I will take the task appointed to me in the spirit of the combined efforts of all Russians to remove the threat of foreign ownership of our country. I have already begun to work collectively with Smirnoff and Citizen Travis in order to devise a way to force these invaders out of our motherland. A party leaders meeting will be held in the middle of the week in order to create a rough plan on how to take control of the country once more.

Our Soviet government in Russian occupied Norway was concerned about political takeovers in a young Russia... so we made sure that Russia would be protected in this unfortunate case. However, it seems that these goons struck too quickly to organize any sort of protection. For future elections, I contacted Benn Dover (President of the United States and head of the ATLANTIS alliance) and Salve (President of Norway) yesterday in order to ensure that the terms of the Soviet Declaration of Independence regarding the provision of political take over protections are fulfilled. Salve could not promise any support, as Norway has experienced their own goon insurgency (Salve won by a mere 12 votes), however Benn has said he would organize a committee on the matter and would be able to send help before the congressional elections.

Other economic means are also being roughly constructed to oust the goons from the motherland, but more discussion is needed before a definite plan is presented.

In other non-goon news, the Resistance war for Western Siberia has begun! Moving tickets are on the market, and extra moving tickets can be supplied if stocks run out.
Please move to Moscow, get a job, and fight for the liberation of our country!
The wall is moving down very rapidly. At 1:00 this afternoon, the wall was just above the Borderland area. 5 hours later, it has been reduced to the Administration center.
Though it looks like the wall will be down fairly quickly, if anyone needs extra gifts/weapons, please send a PM to Q1Commune.

Workers of the world, unite!
Primier of the Soviet Union, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union