TUP; What you need to know.

Day 576, 06:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

TUP; Join Today

To date, the TUP is the second largest party in the United Kingdom, currently standing at;
• 407 Members.
• 9 Members of Congress.
• 1 Lord.
• 2 Cabinet members.

But what does the TUP stand for?

Our constitution states,

The Unity Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

We regularly have Party Conference’s, where all the members can talk about Party Policy and Regional Councils, where members deal with Party issues in their region. This is all overseen by the Council of Unity, who based on what we outline in our conferences act as the administrative body of the party. The council of Unity only acts upon decisions made by the common member, don’t be put off by the name “administrative body”.

So far the Unity party has had 2 Prime Ministers, Malta_1990 and Final Destiny. We often have many members of Congress, and take good care of our members. Even members who haven’t yet gotten into congress contribute to politics by taking an active part in public discussion.

What makes us different from the other parties?

We are keen to help new players, and old players alike. We can offer endless advice and help on a vast range of anything e-Republik related, be it war, politics, economy, or just a conversation, you can depend on TUP’s representatives helping you out.

Here in TUP, we have many active, dynamic individuals. Together our combined effort and ideals can bring about great change. Our work on a regional level really lets the citizen know that we care. It’s this emphasis on gaining an understanding on how everyone feels that can lead us to make a utilitarian decision on any aspect of the UK’s politics. If you are a member of the TUP, and you put your opinion forwards you can bet that it will be taken into great consideration.

How can You get involved?

Getting involved with the Unity party is easy. All you have to do is follow two simple steps.
1. Join the Party.
2. Contact me or another member for acess to the TUP's forum 😃

If you have read this, and you’re not a member of TUP, please consider us as an option, points you could consider are, “why did you join the party you are in?” If you didn’t make your decision based on the party’s values, then maybe you should check out the policies of all the party’s using e-Republiks wiki. “Am I involved in e-UK politics?” The Unity Party is happy to support any new members, and always directs people to the UK forums.

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New Player’s Guide.
And get on the forums! 10 reasons why

Remember to subscribe to the Unity Party’s paper.