Truth is Stranger than Fiction....

Day 2,127, 00:31 Published in India India by Asmitatheone

Yesterday something very interesting happened.
There was a MPP proposal to Serbia from India. No I didn’t term it as a game changer or a historical or even a landmark event. That’s because in this game those things don’t matter much anymore.

Why is this interesting? With this, India has done a complete 180 degrees turn from the Pro-EDEN mode to a pro-TWO/ONE mode, going to neutrality, pro-CoT, rejection, being ignored and neutrality.

Well who do we blame? With time we have blamed a number of countries and CPs and various other world event, but sadly, it's is only fair to blame India, i.e. ourselves.
Now we can say that real life Indians have better things to do, or they are just not keen enough to waste time of huge (stupid, yeah it is stupid) games. But the bottom-line is that we don’t have an active population. This game has with time has moved on to be damage oriented and to garner damage needs active players. We lack that so, we suck. Sad but true!!!

No damage, meant no respect. Some have gone on to be disrespectful, others have stopped respecting, and only a couple barely respect us. We should be surprised, but then for the small numbers who play this game, it is hard to swallow.

So coming back to the topic at hand.... The RW with BiH and MPPing Serbia.
I am sure, there will be criticism, yes, and perhaps it wasn’t the best thing to do. After all it’s Serbia, with all that they have done…
Well hang on a minute, do we actually did against us? Some of us do. The last of was when they blocked our entry to CoT. But what is it that we should be doing?
We had a friendly deal with Croatia when they wanted their congress. Rent deal and all. I remember when they told us that they don’t have money, and we even gave them a discount on the rent. It was our decision to move closer to CoT, and we were to blame for it. Croatia beat us up, used that as an excuse to wipe us. The reason was justified, as it has always been, they were stronger and we didn’t agree with them. It was our BIG MISTAKE, wasn’t it Croatia.
So a few months after that, Croatia quit EDEN. They got cozy with CoT. Of course, they did the right thing, and then today, they call us hypocrites. I would however, leave out the various other promises broken. Be it Karnataka or the latest TW agreement. Of course, it wasn’t their fault. When they need to wipe us, the entire country works at it, when it comes to returning a region, there are always rogues. eIndia is weak, so we are bound to accept it. If we don’t, they can’t help it. That’s what we kept on getting.
Then comes Albania, Croatia brokered the deal. Begged for one region! There were a lot of issues within eIndia to accept it. But then, who cared, the AS was already planned and they were coming anyways. Of course, we are supposed to forget the fact that Croatia after all promised protection the deal for region was made with them.
Oh, Please!!!! That’s old story and one must learn to move on! Right! But hey! We moved on from EDEN, and we were bad! We are possibly moving on from CoT, we are bad again.

Albania! Back to them….
Requested us for a region, so that they could have congress, didn’t you? Do you even remember? Then it was about, one region being too risky. At least give us two. eIndia said yes. Today I am sure, if we said no, they would have taken it anyway. Some excuse they would have. Of course, they have big brother Croatia and USA. They can always go back crying to them who will love to beat up the smaller guy because they didn’t agree with the little brother!! BoooHOOO!!!!
Then Pakistan happened! Awesome fights! Got rid of them! It was fun, a lot of it! Those are the moments of glory we share under the Sun. eIndia comes together! Fun indeed!
But did we enjoy it, no don’t think so. People got worried. Albania, who a month ago begged, now wants us wiped. Why? Oh they think BG and/or MKD will come down to get rid of them from India. Was India trying to do that, maybe, we wanted our lands back. But what did MKD/BG tell them. Promised them not to hit! Well, didn’t cut the ice. After all the only trustworthy people in the game were Croatia. Who cares what BG/MKD say!!
Hang on now!! Today they fight on the same side, don’t they? Yes? OMG! They don’t feel threatened anymore. DO they now agree to return the lands? Of course, not! Now it’s Serbia who might AS and wiped them! Are all these imaginary enemies, will they ever cease?
Then of course, the millions of people in Croatia who promised us to go back to Blakans and leave our lands. They got some, but hey, it doesn’t take much to break promises and stay on, does it? By the way, why is Croatia breaking promises? Because they are stronger than us and they are getting beaten up by Serbia who is stronger to them.
Hey! So what is India’s fault? Serbia is bad, that’s India’s fault of course.
BiH has been the best people(of the worst) on our land. Never did anything bad or break their word. Except, when we begged for a region, we didn’t deserve it. Why did we beg for a region, because Croatia again broke the agreement on the TW (No, we are not surprised!!).
BiH, I am sorry! By our standards, this is unfair on you. But I guess, we have been conditioned too long by Croatia to believe this to be the standard way of things. We found you to be the easiest of the occupiers. So why not! I really am sorry!


Yeah, why don’t you ask Croatia about it? When India does it we are hypocrites? When Croatia does it dozens of time, well, I am sure then you are sorry and there is a rogue MU and/or something else. Don’t teach us honor guys! That’s the only think we understand and have left. That is why there is still opposition to the way things are happening. We haven’t lost our conscience yet! So why don’t you and all your friends, BiH and all other, fight with all of us to get rid of Croatia.
Of course, they are much stronger and have a lot of Damage and you will need it.
Keep a straight line and a fair line. Teach them and teach us. 9 out of 10 times, they will fail the test. Don’t blame us for following what has been preached all this while.

Serbia!...The big step!
MPP with Serbia… They will all tell you it’s not the best thing to do. In fact, I was of the personal opinion that all of Balkans was gutless, spineless cheating people. Be it Croatia, Albania, Serbia!! But hey, how is one tyrant better than the others? Do you really sit back and discuss who was worse, Hitler or Ivan the terrible? You are punished by one or the other, who cares, in the end you die a painful death!
We are almost wiped. We are likely to be like that for some time to come, but these are small spots of glory, this is what you live for. This is what makes you keep playing this terrible game. Be it kicking Pakistan or winning a region from BiH. This is when most of the Indians forget their petty squabbles and fight shoulder to shoulder!
So does this act of MPP make us TWO? Or ACT? Maybe…, maybe not. I don’t think TWO or CoT cares. Of course, ABC (yes that’s the new nick for Albania-BiH-Croatia in India), will use that as an excuse to wipe us. Who cares? We were wiped by 3 countries, and now we will probably be taken by 2 or 3 or maybe 1 country. How does it make a difference?
We have thought about it a little my Croatian friends. I think our official line might just be, the CP is mad and going ahead with the Serbian MPP. Actually it’s the MU which is rogue. They just won’t listen. We are trying our best to rein them in…. you can make up the rest!!


Arrlo, really? Did the oh so honorable Croatians think of how it made me look to defend you all and my agreement with Gio for region rent?
What did it make Alias feel when Albania said they will wipe us in spite of all possible efforts to stop them?
How did Srachit feel when the TW agreement wasn’t honored? He was almost impeached too! If Croatians have half the brains we have, they will blame themselves and not you for this. Maybe they will not impeach you. If they do, you will be welcome to India mate. We like/love everyone! Yesterday, even the ex-CP of Pakistan was hitting for us.

On this point of Love for everyone, I know we will see a comment from our old friends UAgg. Guys, things happened. It didn’t happen as you wanted to. Maybe, it didn’t go as we wanted it to go? As much as it is a fact that Addy got blocked from being the PP, it is also a fact that Alias went on to be the CP. So guys, give it up and move on. This would be typically for Addy, who I always regarded as the sane head, not like cfovets who was always too full of himself.
Addy, it’s just that it wasn’t the right time maybe. Forgive and forget mate! Hate to see you write stuff and then have others abuse you. Please let it all go. Maybe someday it will all come out good.

Finally, the biggest NEW of this month was this CP election. For the first time ever, we had an election where none of the contestants seemed to be interested at all. No one published a single article. Even when OD won without contest, he published. But then have we gone down to such depths.
We might be a lot of things, lacking a lot of things, but we don’t lack surprises. Shockwavve won! And the bigger surprise is, people started rallying around him to make it work.
He might be a certified troll and have a lot of personal issues with me; but he does have a lot of time. And that is the second most important thing India needs. The first one being more active players. So guys, come together, it doesn’t matter who is the CP, if you think you can help eIndia, come together and let’s make it happen.

PS: It was a free flow of thoughts, so please excuse an mistakes!