Tribute to Marius Scott Coroleone

Day 933, 18:26 Published in Canada Canada by Hall of Remembrance

Tribute to Marius "Scott" Coroleone

One of Canada’s finest; he was described as caring and compassionate, yet realistic. He was a top CAF official in this world and a soldier in real life as well.

I personally did not know Marius. And I never talked with him directly; I might have seen him on IRC once or twice, and could have talked with him in a big conversation.

It really is a shame to lose someone who was held in such high regard someone who was so friendly.

“Scott you were an amazing soldier, a dedicated officer and an even better friend. May you find the peace and solace you so richly deserve. Thank you for everything!
Rest in peace my friend.”
JT Vangaurd

“Scott was the guy that would always go out to back up the people who we're doing something good. He was dedicated to helping people in the army. Even if explosive, I'll remember him as somebody who was always available when you needed him.

Scott would never mince his word, but he was frank, never would he lie to you. I'll miss you bro. You've learned me a few things about RL and that's invaluable.

Today I check on the man CANADA lost, not eCanada, has he was much More than just a player, he was a human being that would have gone through everything to make sure we would live in a better world.

I'll miss you buddy, It's sad not everyone is as courageous as you.

Au revoir mon ami.”
Chucky Norris

“I miss the days when the 12th platoon and the 4th platoon would always compete against each other. Marius and me were basically head to head in everything but we all had a good time so it was fun. I'm extremely sad that he has died. Canada has lost a great soldier, IRL and eRep.”

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