Training ground upgrades and Alan warwickshire stepping down

Day 2,553, 13:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Health

Mr Woldy Fundraiser

Was held to raise grants to help NHS patients upgrade their training grounds. I have £30 000 from this (and the other £30 000 went to Dr Kawashiwi to upgrade our infrastructure).

Alan Warwickshire will be quitting soon

I have sold virtually all of my stuff and have lots more money to add to the training ground grants - enough to EXPAND it outside NHS patients.

Over the years I have worked and trained most days and the 5 gold rewards for the HW and SS medals etc. I saved these and would now like to help eUK people upgrade their training grounds and get the Pro training contract.

I have been here 5 yrs and grew tired of the game, logging in multiple times a day, and the constant admin money grabbing and apathy towards tickets and wrong doings. For a few more days I shall try and remaining in the game by two clicking. Therefore I am stepping down from an active role in the NHS and hence:

Dont send donations to Alan Warwickshire

Send to FightAndProduce instead

Training ground grants

We intend to give free money (for you to buy gold and save for a training ground offer) to eUK citizens who are:

regularly active;

and over lvl24/25 (as players lower than this have an enormous dropout rate);

and agree to use it to expand their training grounds.

Apply For training ground grant

By simply adding your name below in the comments. We will look through the applications and decide who we will supply. If you are successful you will recieve a wad of cash - buy gold with it, then save the gold for a training ground offer, expand your free training ground to the max first. Contracts only really pay off when you have three grounds fully upgraded (and when you have all four get the pro).

Alan warwickshire

ps. eUK citizen under lvl 32 and want free daily food?

Click the picture above to apply!

Click the picture above to donate! All donations are logged and can be viewed here. If you wish to have your donation to be anonymous please let us know so we edit it. However, your donations will still be logged, just not under any name.