Tomorrow We Will Start!

Day 364, 02:03 Published in Sweden Turkey by DKN

Dear friends of the German nation and Germans,

we are proud to say that we will start by tomorrow our RW in the 3 former German region Bavaria, Brandenburg and Baden-Württemberg. Please be ready and please move out of this regions NOW!

The reason why we will not start today is because we want to wait for a contract with Poland which will be hopefully signed today evening and to give all of our forces abroad the time to organize.

Next steps:

- signing peace contract with Poland (today)
- moving ppl out of the 3 regions (today/tomorrow)
- start RW war (tomorrow)
- celebrate our freedom (day after tomorrow)

Please do NOT start RW by your own in Saarland because Sweden needs its second q5 food company and Carl x - holding is on the way to move the company to Svealand.

Thanks for all of your support and I think with the help of our Polish and Swedish friends this war will become the shortest RW in eHistory.