Tomorrow is the Day

Day 551, 10:23 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

For the fifth time, I am running in Kanto. The third secton is my jist on why you should vote for me.

As many of you know, we have been fighting for Germany to have its independence from Sweden. Even though we have lost the war, we have won the even bigger fight. We have shown the world that when one country is picking on another, we are not afraid to step up and fight for what is right.

We have shown Morality in these dark times. Many would describe the word morality as the difference between right and wrong, knowing when to do something and when to give in. Well, that is half right. Morality is tagged along with ethics. We stood tall saying 'we will not let you bully another country Sweden, we will not", This has turned the battle into a win / lose situation. We lost a region, but we gained a friend. I am glad to see eJapan standing up for what they believe in, no matter what the country, we shall not let Germany be opressed by the larger.

Many of the German have chosen my town Kanto as their home for the time being, to rebuild and continue doing what they can until it is time to fight again for their independence. Please welcome them with open arms. They have come to us in their time of need, and we must be their shoulder to reassure them that they are not fighting alone. We must give them a home since theirs was so aggressively taken away from them. We must most importantly give them a friend no matter what their history, and trust that when dark times come again we can stand tall together. Thank you eJapan for standing so tall this past week and showing me that this is a country I am completely in love with.

May we all find peace and friendship in the near future, and work towards more then just a better eJapan, but a better world where everything is done much more friendly rather then by soldier strength.

South Korea
As well, South Korea is joining us. They have decided to take Japan as a shelter from PTO's. I want to remind the country that this was done democratically. Everybody had a say and a vote. a majority agreed with the temporary merger on both sides. Those that speak out are ironically not living in South Korea, usually GOONS. Others that are speaking out did not win the majority vote, and must accept that fact. Everybody from South Korea should be welcomed just as well as Germany. Those who wish to peacefully disagree should be listened to as it is their right to have their voice heard. But it is also the right of the country to continue with Majority Rule.

Also, please try and respect Slowpoke and his followers to an extent. He fights for what he believes in, although I personally don't agree with it. People should not be shot down for what they believe in, but respected for how hard they work to get their message out.

Now onto the more important matters. Tomorrow is election day! Please remember my name tomorrow, and vote for me in Kanto!

A lot has happened since I joined eRepublik. I started out with my own newspaper. I wanted to express my own voice in those times, and continue making eJapan more active while I was still a young average citizen. At that time I had looked up to Angrr for his dedication to the country despite his Real Life location. I slowly became intriged.

I decided that I wanted to do more for my country. I am Swedish, so I know their language. (those in Germany, please do not hold my RL background against me!) I decided to pick up the job as Ambassador along-side Mr.Skin. As he moved away and became inactive, I completely took on the job. I constantly posted about more then just Japanese issues, I reported on anything that was interesting or possibly a good laugh. Their economy was something I payed close attention to.

Slowly I continued speaking my mind, until I decided I may want to run for Congress. This came at a bad time. There was a social crisis before last elections which many of you may remember. I was center stage of it. This put me torn between my morals of right and wrong. I am one of those people who sit around and wonder if they did the right thing no matter what others tell me. I kept thinking questions like "Did I do the right thing?" "what does Japan think?" "am I really speaking for them with my newspaper?" and as time flew by I gained more support. With this support telling me to at least try, I gave it a chance. This was my first time running for Congress, and I won top votes in the country. It was a very happy day for myself. I lost an idol and then gained another, Geno.

As I actively ran, I was noticed by the president thanks to Geno for my talents in getting people active. I made friends with both Kokawa and Aki on the IRC, and gained their trust along side of eJapan's trust to do what is best for the country. I was then promoted to Secretary of Culture and Events. This position revived from the dead due to my hopes and work trying to get more and more people active and into their countries politics.

During my time in government I have continued implementing holidays. I have helped Geno with the Orange Party, encouraging our members to be active. I have actively participated in debates, trying to take the side less fought for just for the sake of discussion sometimes. I have worked closely with Geno, helping him to re-form the system for the military. I have worked with Kokawa on the new Ambassador's. I am a workaholic...

This is where I am today. As you can see in around 3 months I have achieved a lot. I have done only what I think is right for eJapan, and listened to the citizens. Now that you know my history of the good an bad, I ask you to judge if I am worthy of your vote tomorrow. Anymore information can still be found in my newspaper or Wikipedia, as this is my fifth article this week. 🙂

Orange party
We have had some discussion, and some success getting the Orange party to the new forum. For those who have not signed up, I will be sending you a message again. Geno will be leaving on his honeymoon soon, and it would nice to get some discussion going before he leaves!

Anyone running for congress should post in the forum saying so, or contact Geno Garon himself!

Vote Oraizan!