To the undiscovered country - The future + Hrvatska Imperijalistička Stranka

Day 1,138, 07:22 Published in Croatia Croatia by Vjekoslav1701

Ispričat ću vam danas jednu epsku priču.

I'm gonna tell you an epic story today.

Pogledajte oba videa.

Pogledajte trailer ovog fenomenalnog filma i otkrit će vam se zanimljiva priča. Priča koja ima puno paralela s današnjim stanjem eRepa te odnosu s našim komšijama.

Watch both videos.

It's from an amazing movie that is similar to what is happening today in RL between our neighbors.

Federacija i Klingonci su bili vječni neprijatelji u dugoročnom krvavom ratu koji je uništavao oboje.

The Federation and the Klingons were mortal enemiers in a long and bloody war that were destroying them both.

Skroz dok nije ekspodirao Praxis što je dovelo Klingonsko carstvo u podređen položaj prema Federaciji.

Until Praxis exploded and weakened the Klingon empire, and made them weaker than the Federaton

To je dovelo do mirovnih pregovora između carstva i Federacije.

That lead to peace talks.

No obje strane su imale sabotere tog mira koji su se pozivali na čast i nemogućnost vjerovanja drugoj strani no zapravo su se samo bojali promijene.I nikako nisu mogli napustiti prošlost iza sebe

But both sides had saboteurs of that peace that were calling their actions as honorable and said that the other side couldn't be trusted. But they were only afraid of change and were unable the leave the past behind.

I dok su oni polako preuzimali kontrolu zagovornici mira su osuđivani i prozivani zločincima.

And while they took control, the arbiters of peace were convicted and called criminals.

I tako je počela borba za mir.

And then the battle for peace began.

Koja je završila najjačim savezništvom u kvadrantu.

And ended with the strongest alliance in the quadrant.

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Hrvatsku Imperijalističku Stranku