To the current government of ePhilippines

Day 1,999, 12:32 Published in Philippines Philippines by kb1992

Hello (after a long break) 😉

Today article about current politics in ePhilippines.

I'm disappointed at the lack of action of the current government. Soon it will be a week from the start of the May term and people don't know anything about the plans, intentions and actions of the current government. This is a big problem - the lack of information policy. Most of eFilipinos treat this also as lack of action, because even if the government does something, nobody finds out about it. And this leads to frustration.

Pity that the new president didn't write an article presenting the plans andthe composition of government. And if there was no plan, he could even write something like "OK guys, we don't have any specific plan for this month, don't expect anything special". At least everyone would know what to expect in this month and so we have a growing disappointment which is reflected in THIS.

Pity that we didn't see any article with orders from Ministry of Defense.

Pity that our government doesn't take action to regain our regions from Indonesia and China. This case for many people is absolutely the highest priority; meanwhile, nothing happens in this issue. Or at least we don't know.

What about this?

Pity that we don't know anything about activities of Ministry of Education. Young players will always need information and help. And MoE should take care of that. Where are articles with helpful information for youngsters?


We can support government's policy or not support it, but first this policy must exist.
I ask all this because I want to know what is happening in the country, of which I am a part of.
That's nothing personal.
