Thoughts of Burgenland, Hungary politics and national unity

Day 730, 13:45 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
Update: raszta is now the new President of eHungary. In principle, he disagreed in attacking a former ally / eAustria, but in general - he supports new land acquisition. Hmmm.

60 minutes ago, eAustria held off eHungarians invasion on Burgenland (sound like Burger Land). In all honesty, how could eAustria, with its two MPPs (eFrance and eMalaysia) and 537 citizens win the battle? Well, it boiled down to eHungary did not want to win, i think. Naturally, EDEN, Brolliance and the remnants PEACE forces must have moved into eAustria/eFrance to repel the Magyarians troops/tanks.

However, more significantly, i believe, is that there are a lot of dissent from the eHungarians side with regards to the attack on Burgenland and the direction of the eHungary, taken by the President of eHungary - Termetes Samu from Szolidaritas Party. There have been talk of presidential impeachment by the Congress, which is controlled by the Magyar Hazafiak Party, as well as debate on the media by significant eHungarians commentators (e.g. Zoli here). This all have led to the resignation of Termetes as the President of eHungary several hours ago. What a colourful national politics! (in a sad contrary, i have not heard much from our own Setsuna😵.

It's interesting to note that eHungary probably did not think much of Burgenland to begin with. It has no resources (only medium wood), nor eHungary needs the land. The president tried to justify the attack on Burgenland, but considering his resignation 8 hours later - obviously he failed to convince his critics. The argument against eAustria war is valid. eAustria is a PEACE member nation. If the purpose of attacking is for training-war for eHungarian, it seems to be a very poor choice - considering the political and publicity setbacks. From what i get from the Europe intel - it is likely that eHungary will be attacked from eRomania/ePoland while several other fronts - eLithuania, eRussia, eGermany - will be opened as well by EDEN/Brolliance. With such threats hanging on the nation - why does Termetes pressed the button on eAustria remains a mystery to me...

A side news - seem like eIreland and eUSA have brokered a deal for a wargame, to be hosted in eUSA. This would give eUSA a large number of MPPs in near future, and might take away some shine from the excellently-organised Sol war games. This might have some significant impact on global dominance, as eUSA would be almost impossible to be invaded. It's different when it's neutral eMalaysia having 26-27 MPPs. eMalaysia won't attack back in most cases. But, eUSA with 20+ MPPs, being attacked, would certainly trigger a world war. Interestingly as well, Gauis Julius, ex eUSA CP is back as their Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (head of military generals), replacing the super-efficient Eugene Harlot, who was instrumental in eUSA’s rise in the past months.


I digressed.

Back to the issue of national unity and eHungary politics. From my brief observation - it seems like, while the eRep game provides an excellent national politics module, the very concept of democracy actually might fail to yield the best outcome for the nation if the nation could not unite its people. Yes, while a president can be punished via impeachment and next election, by then, the damage has already been done. The rights to disagree and participate in free elections/media too seem to give rise to external propaganda. It seems like, at the end of the day, the bottom-line is - for a nation to succeed in eRep - their leaders must be able to muster and rally its people to a united cause. Once you have influential national leaders disagreeing with your cause/objective - that's the end of it. we have seen similar fracture in eIndo prior to Wonder Forward's inclusive presidency and we have seen the opposite in eUSA in current months.

Lastly, my apologies for the poor English in this article. I didn't have the time/mood to proof read it. 🙂 ANd my apologies if i misread some of the Hungarians articles - i tend to read English better.

Several newbies in eMalaysia asked me recently – "Why do you go about reading political news in other nations and so forth, having all the effort of translating foreign languages and what not?" Well, I believe the direction of the global politics influence the wellbeing of smaller nations like us. Furthermore, I believe the game is interesting - only because of its people and the socio-interaction between different cultures, nationalities and people. If we limit ourselves to the issues and happening only in our homeland (eMalaysia), then, this game will become boring very very quickly. So, if you are a newbie, start reading international news and participate in national politics today!

Reporting for ePeninsular Malaysia for Chronicle of Democracy Viva

Carr de Vaux

Vote for me in Peninsular Malaysia in the coming election. My election pledge is available here.

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