This war is unjust!

Day 747, 16:42 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero

My fellow eMericans,

I feel the need to speak out against this unjust invasion of Japan. Not only is it unecessary, it is premised on a lie by President Jewitt. Since when do we celebrate war mongerers that lie to get elected. Sure, war is not that bad of a thing in this game, but how can we support a President who lied to us and is not transparent.

We need to be on the right side of history, and invading Japan may spell disaster for us in the end. We cannot allow a President to do what he wants, when he wants. Where's the Congress telling him no? Its about principle, not mechanics. If he wanted to invade Japan, he should have put that in his platform, and I would have surely not voted for him. He deceived us all, and we're all happy?

I can not, and will not support Jewitt's imperial war, and I urge all free-thinking eMericans to do the same!