The Truth About eRepublik Economy

Day 350, 06:09 Published in Brazil Brazil by HeadquarterLTD

I received today this message:
"Hello Marcelux,We are sorry, but we will not give your Gold back because the person that sold that Gold made it with illegal transactions.Regards,The eRepublik Team."

But, I'm earning money in monetary market since I started to play this game. I've never had a goal to become a business man because in real life I work with stock market and I know how easy is to make money selling and buying paper. Just speculate. The monetary market in the game is very similar to FOREX market in real life. If there was any irregular transaction should be showed proves, because I'm accumulanting money since the first day that I became a citizen here. I got consciousness about a BUG in monetary market a few days ago when I read a report in eRepublik Insider.

There was another BUG where the president wasn't able to get money from the country; lots of economies whom used to depreciate theirs currecies artificially weren't allowed to do it anymore. I know that because I am a defense minister in Brazil and I have a strong envolvement in government. So I got the gold I had accumulated up to several months playing and I've gone to world monetary market. Lot's of currencies got over valorized in a short space of time. So I did a research about wich countries weren’t reached for the crisis, weak economies that have had few trades for day. So I changed all my GOLD in those currencies. I knew that soon or later that currencies was gonna get valorizated and I was right. GOLD became cheaper in whole world. In one day I got almost ten times of GOLD. For example, Portugal who has the PTE artificially around 0.001 GOLD was being sold for 0.016 GOLD. The Portuguese government wouldn’t sell PTE.

I got that money fairly. If there was any irregular transaction show me wich one! And what about the money that I got before v1? Do I deserve stay withou this money as well? I really think that the real reason of the admins got my GOLD from my account is that I was rich. I got so much GOLD that I will never need to buy any GOLD with my credit card. I reach power enough to desiquilibrat economies. It’s not good, but it’s real. Like in the real world and I used to think of this game was an economical, political and military simulator. The forum thread talking about this issue was mysteriously deleted.

Guys, think twice about keep playing this game. Romenia and Spain they are generally beneficated by admins. Why? They have, because they pay to play. What’s gonna happen if all the free players left the game? We need respect as well. I’m just still playing this game because I have promissed to Sparta Kratos to help him in Brazil. I will not abandon him now. The idea of this game is awsome, but it’s being messed by admins for a while. Sorry about any English mistake, that’s not my mother language. If I did any mistake please let me know to correct it, please.
