the threat of PEACE?

Day 569, 07:56 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I've had a lot of people asking me why I don't respond to "the PEACE threat" as well as the usual anklebiters who complain about everything that I do or don't do (seriously ... complaining because I didn't take time to say thanks for my last election ... give me a break) are complaining that the government doesn't have a plan. Let me address this.

The reason I haven't responded is because I'm tired of PEACE propaganda and their trolling of the American media. Their "threat" is fairly incredible but they succeed in getting people scurrying around like ants with their attacks, their spying, their ruination of what makes the game fun because their version of fun is anarchy.

The latest threat that I've been apprised of has more to do with PEACE's actual intention on June 15th. Their target isn't an assault on the US by military strike ... it would seem that their assault is more of a political strike as they have been moving high ranking players into the US over the last several days. As you are, no doubt, aware by now the 15th is Party President election day. If PEACE could manage to capture several PP spots in the top 5 parties they could influence the next Congressional and Presidential elections by PTO attempt (political takeover). This was something that I alluded to in my article role play vs. game play a little more than a week ago.

The most likely target of the PEACE Party PTO is The Federalist Party, the number 6 ranked Political Party in the USA (and clearly one of the most partisan). This comes to me from my top advisers who have seen their numbers start to climb in the last several days due to PEACE members joining. This move makes sense on several levels because The Federalists, much like PEACE, have trolled me and my Administration since day one and are, realistically, anarchists masquerading as conservatives. While the idea of one group of ****hole hater trolls taking over another group of ****hole hater trolls is amusing to me ... we have to respond to this threat when it comes time for Party President Elections on Monday.

The simplest thing to do would be to ask all of the USA Federalists to leave the party. However, I can assure you that they won't as they will either think it's a leftist trick or they would simply want to see the nation hurt so they can point fingers and say "see ... we told you scrabman is evil". Of course, I am evil, but not in the way that they think (haven't you seen my avatar). So the issue is what do we do?

Well, the other option is to make sure that we all hold our votes until the current Party Presidents of all the US political parties have posted articles staying who the official US candidates are. Then we make sure that the American voters vote for their candidates so that those parties are not infiltrated setting up the chance for PEACE to PTO any part of our government. This might require some of the larger parties to lend support to some of the smaller parties by asking for volunteers to go and vote out the invading PEACE candidates. That is something that we are very capable of doing.

The eUSA is a sleeping giant. We have so much potential if we can just get our people to stay alert, to stay on task, and to verify information with people who are in the know before acting. This means that we should try to do the following over the next weeks.

1) Don't vote until you are sure who you are voting for.
2) Don't fight until you are sure that there isn't another threat that needs dealt with.
3) Don't feed the trolls by buying into PEACE propaganda.
4) Don't assume that just because you don't get explanations to everything that the US Government is doing that we aren't on top of things.
5) Don't let anyone convince you that the eUSA isn't the giant reserve of potential that we are.

It is very unfortunate that so many players have left the USA to become anarchists abroad (or have stayed here and continued to tear at the government from within). GLaDOS is a brilliant tactician and he is an American in RL. In fact, I admire him for how well he does what he does even though it is so very destructive and divisive. Just remember that PEACE and many other such players play the game for different reasons than many Americans do (again it's the role play vs. game play aspect). While most of us play this game to build something better than what we have in RL there are many others who just want to destroy, mock, and disrupt. Don't let them win their game at the expense of ours.

Thank you.

scrabman - eUSA President