The Strongest Warriors 2030 eDay (world TOP10, Poland TOP30, Lithuania TOP100)

Day 2,031, 06:44 Published in Poland Lithuania by Iskroviklis

Its been a while since last article abuot the strongest warriors. An overview of the situation as it has changed since last time, and the addition of some innovations.

The strongest warriors in the world (TOP10)

The strongest warriors in Poland (TOP30)

The strongest warriors in Lithuania (TOP100)

The strongest warriors in Lithuania (TOP30) 4 div

Currently Lithuania in 4div have 301 warriors (1950 eDay. had 281 warriors).

The strongest warriors in Lithuania (TOP30) 3 div

Currently Lithuania in 3div have 270 warriors (1950 eDay. had 281 warriors).

The strongest warriors in Lithuania (TOP30) 2 div

Currently Lithuania in 2div have 285 warriors (1950 eDay. had 281 warriors).

The strongest warriors in Lithuania (TOP30) 1 div

Currently Lithuania in 1div have 335 warriors (1950 eDay. had 478 warriors).

The data were collected from in 2030 eDay. I waiting for comments and critics.

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