The rise of the eIranian Empire

Day 410, 15:08 Published in USA USA by Lone Star

As we discussed the war in Europe, and the assault on eArgentina, a new Empire is on the rise in Asia. While the strength of ePakistan seems to be fading, it looks like ePakistan, decided to give eIranians access to the far-East.

The process seems to have started with a negotiated declaration of war between eIran and ePakistan.
The eIranians have conquered part of ePakistan's territory gaining access to Pakistani controlled Chinese and Indian territories.

eIran has a far larger population than ePakistan, and at the same time a better economy, allowing for the creation of an army able to face it's potential enemies.

Bordered by Turkey in the West, eIran doesn't have to bother as long as both eNations are part of the PEACE alliance.
It's in the East that eIranians have placed their eyes and thoughts.

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eIranian attack to eIndia
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eIran, has passed in it's congress, the declaration of war against eIndia and it's forces are on the move against the region of

If there is something that is now a rule in Erepublik invasions is the lack of arguments, to explain the invasion.

The epresident of eIran has stated in a declaration to eIndians, that he means no harm, and that he wants to be friends with eIndians.

The only reason for eIran to attack, is of course, to have access to eIndian resources and raw materials, but also the idea that a "game" as Erepublik must be won trough conquest.
Nothing new nor unexpected.

eIndia seems to be a relatively peaceful eNation, although being mostly formed by former nationals of eSpain and eItaly.
The invasion of eIndia seems to be just another step in the take over of the former Pakistani empire by the eIranians.

The situation in Asia is becoming quite simplified.

The eIndonesian and the eIranian empires are establishing themselves as cruel and ominous dictatorships in the East. Their control of resources is allowing them to mass their armies. The destruction of eNations ends up demobilizing people, and the Imperial conquest goes on unstoppable.

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Is the PEACE alliance a defensive one ?
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One of the arguments we have heard in the last weeks, was that the PEACE alliance was an anti-imperialistic one, fighting against Imperial nations like Sweden, Norway or Romania.
Yet, as things go, it's a little difficult to understand were are the imperialistic nations and which alliances actually represent Freedom and Democracy, and which alliances are actually imperialist.
One thing is for sure: eIndonesia and eIran, are definitely not well intentioned, and they are among those that will always look at Erepublik as a wargame, where they have to win, even because of Real World issues.

The current system of alliances is creating a number of distortions, where eNations are being forced to go against their own principles, just for fear. And sometimes fear of their allies, as from their enemies.

We are sensing a growing feeling of fear throughout the eWorld.

Some eNations within the ATLANTIS alliance don't trust eRomania, although they are willing to accept it's actions against eRussia as necessity.
At the same time, there are eNations within the PEACE alliance, who don't like the idea of eIran and eIndonesia playing "Empire Building" but at the same time are afraid to criticize them and loose their protection.

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The current events seem to point to a future direct
confrontation between eRomania and eIran
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A clash between eIranians with the help of eIndonesia is expected, if eRussia falls to eRomanian rule.
If both eNations will be in contact with each other. The capacity to block each other will be of paramount importance.

eIndonesia can no longer be blocked, unless war erupts in some of it's southern borders, but the inefficient support ATLANTIS gave Argentina will probably be considered as a warning by the southern hemisphere nations that were able to keep their independence.