The return of the USWP?

Day 935, 21:07 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
A few important announcements before the bulk of this article:
1) Buy V2 Treasury Bonds. v2 is going to completely change this game, we need to be ready for it .
2) Our bros in Ireland want to boost the view count of this awesome video as much as possible. Help them get a baby boom!
3) Subscribe to President Chocolate McSkittles' newspaper for the latest updates on what we're doing. It's been an honor to serve with him so far.

I saw an article yesterday that made me very happy. The United States Workers Party was my party for well over a year, until the party literally disappeared after merging with the AmericanProgressive Front a couple of months ago. This was sad not just for nostalgic reasons but game mechanics ones as well.

The USWP was the best party in the history of this country.

I know that comment might draw some criticism from the party's detractors, who often refer to the party as zombies. To be fair, there was a time early in the party's history when that was true. However, they conveniently forget the USWP evolved into a party that focused on putting the nation ahead of its own interests, developing quality citizens, and keeping a high activity level all while maintaining a large member base -- not an easy thing to do (see: the struggles of the AAP and APF).

It was the USWP that made the ultimate sacrifice. When America was being invaded, it was the USWP that told its members they could not run for Congress, forcing them all to help Canada avoid being Politically Taken Over and help our military PTO France. This happened while other parties sniped each other for seats.

The USWP was one of the first parties to screen its Congressional candidates. The USWP helped quality players get into the government, where they could help the entire country (I'm one of the products of this). The USWP led the way in working with all parties to avoid good candidates running against each other.

Just look at a list of prominent USWP members that were active in the party (I know I'm forgetting people):

Former Presidents:
Harrison Richardson
Josh Frost
Cerb (Australia)

Vice Presidents:
Max McFarland 2

Cabinet members:
Colin Lantrip
Devan Kronos
James Strife
Jasper Ferguson
Jude Connors

Speakers of the House:
Killing Time

Other prominent members (Congress, military, media moguls):
Hadrian X
Ian John Locke IV
Lord Pariah
Quanah Parker
rui lin
Speedcat McNasty

That's not a bad list. The USWP was #1 in the nation in total members, and used it for the good of the country and its party. It wasn't until after the war when the AAP got big (due to Mercurius100's amazing messaging and friending skills) that the USWP was dethroned, but the USWP stayed relevant until a few months ago. #uswpchat was for a long-time the best party IRC room. The old USWP forums were far more active than any other party's forums.

Those of you looking at my profile might be wondering, "Why did Ligtreb join the Federalists?" I joined the Feds because they are the party that reminds me the most of the USWP during its glory days. They're active, but have their priorities straight, like the USWP did. For those of you who are new and want to know how good the USWP was, the Federalists are the best modern-day representation, only the USWP did it with the most members too, and for several months in a row.

We need more parties like the old USWP. Hopefully the USWP returns and can take its rightful place in America.

While the partisan bickering of the pre-invasion era hurt our country, there is room for partisanship in this game. It's a must given the game mechanics of needing five parties to help keep active members and get good people elected.

The USWP knows full well the responsibilities of being a major power. Here's to the return of the USWP, for the good of America.

Update: Fionia has provided a handy form to fill out if you're interested in helping.