The Republican Party In Exile: An Explanation.

Day 1,013, 22:29 Published in USA USA by Alexander Holzbach

Earlier this August, eUSA criminal and traitor Pizza The Hut (aka Ajay Bruno) abused his Congressional powers by allowing dozens of Hungarians into the country via citizenship approvals. With these Hungarian helpers, Ajay attempted to PTO S.E.E.S (and failed). However, he did succeed in PTOing a smaller party, the Republican Party. He has since renamed the Republican Party; to the Conservative Party.

Pizza The Hut (aka Ajay Bruno): eUSA and Republican Party traitor.

The true and active Republican Party was thus taken over by hostile Hungarian enemies. Rather than sit under their control, we left the Republican Party and joined parties in the Top 5 - notably, the ADTP and the Federalist Party. However, we remain active and plan on getting our Republican Party back in safe and true hands.

The flag of eHungary: enemies of the eUSA.

Those of us that left the Republican Party but plan on returning once the party is regained are called Republicans In Exile. As a group, we are now known as the Republican Party In Exile.

Here is the true Republican Party In Exile administration:

President: Darrel Anderson 2
Vice President: Richard Nixon II
Communications Director: Alexander Holzbach
Recruitment Director: Ronald Reagan Reborn

The unofficial logo for the Republican Party In Exile.

Our other Executive Board offices remain vacant until we can get the party back under true Republican control.

Please, help us get the Republican Party back. We do not want the Republican name soiled by Pizza The Hut and his treachery. The real Republican Party is against him and we will fight to regain the glory in our name. Please, do not recognize Pizza The Hut's administration as the true one. The Top 5 (and other political parties) should rather recognize the Republican Party In Exile as the true Republican administration.

Personal Message me or other members of the RPIE leadership if you have questions or comments. Feel free to visit the official Republican Party IRC at (Rizon, #eRepublican) or our forums at (

Thank you for taking the time to read. We want our problem to be well known throughout the eUSA and we would like to ask for your help in spreading the word. Vote, Subscribe, and help the true Republican Party In Exile take back control of the Republican Party!

Former Recruitment Director
Current Communications Director
Republican Party - In Exile