The Patriot Call

Day 2,794, 13:17 Published in Japan USA by chickensguys

Keeping with my love for brevity, I present the following.

To my fellow Compatriots!

After what feels like eternity, I have decided to throw my hat back into the ring. eJapan has been desecrated by Serbian Autocracy and our democratic values have been trampled upon. Our Treasury has been pilfered, our rights ignored, just so a foreign bunch of marauder can have a laugh. Congress, our elected officials have zero say in how this country is being run. We will never find Liberty or Freedom with foreign invaders. We are victims who are deprived of our liberty. Our calls for a collective say through a represented government are routinely denied.
People will claim that democracy can no longer exist with the possibility of dictatorships. They are wrong, democracy can exist but only if we want it to exist.

Let’s stand together and continue to fight for our freedom!

The Patriot Chickensguys.