The Most Useless Discussions in the World #1

Day 2,630, 06:55 Published in Australia Australia by pr3zzyy

Hello Dear Readers,

Because life is boring I have decided to bring to you a new series of articles

May I present

As I hope you are intelligent enough to see from the above banner, the series will be focused on:

The most Useless Discussions In the World

Today's Discussion: Which came first - The Chicken or the Egg?
*pause for audience expectancy applause 😉*

The Chicken! No! The Egg! No, no, no!! The Chicken!! No wait... what?

That's right people it is time to put an end to this worldwide conundrum.

Possible Solutions:
1. The Chicken
2. The Egg
3. Neither Exist. They are all holograms put in place by the government to confuse us

The Debate:
1. The Chicken: For an Egg to come into existence it requires a chicken to lay it
2. The Egg: For a Chicken to come into existence it requires an egg to hatch from
3. Neither Exist: Umm... ... Aliens ... ... ?

The Solution(s):
Now then obviously we have to find a way to appease all interested parties so here goes.

The secret to this puzzle is lies in your religion.
If you are a creationist then you believe that God created all animals etc etc, and therefore the Chicken came first.
However if you are an evolutionist you believe that they 'evolved' and here is where most of us have the problem. But NO MORE!
Here is what happened (If you're an evolutionist).
Basically, many, many moons ago there was a chicken-like bird. It was genetically close to a chicken, but wasn't a full-blown chicken yet. Lets call it a proto-chicken. So proto-hen had an egg, and proto-rooster fertilized it. But when the genes from ma and pa almost-chicken fused, they combined in a new way, creating a mutation that accidentally made the baby different from its parents. Although it would take millennia for the difference to be noticed, that egg was different enough to become the official progenitor of a new species, now known as … the chicken! So in a nutshell (or an eggshell, if you like), two birds that weren't really chickens created a chicken egg, and hence, we have an answer: The egg came first, and then it hatched a chicken.

If you are psychopath then obviously neither exist 🙂

So there you go, you can now sleep easy at night. Spread the word and help make everyone's life less confusing!

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Proud citizen and MoEE of eAust

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