The Israeli Holocaust Against The Palestinians

Day 413, 08:33 Published in Turkey Canada by Saddam Hussein

by Michael Hoffman and Moshe Lieberman.

Documents the horrendous atrocities which the Israeli state visits upon the Palestinians. An irrefutable dossier of Israeli war crimes in Palestine, profusely illustrated with harrowing photos of the death and destruction which the Zionist war machine has administered as collective punishment upon the entire Palestinian nation. One of the most explosive indictments of the Jewish state ever published, proving conclusively that the Israelis themselves are guilty of a holocaust. Partial list of contents: Operation Destroy the Data: How Israeli Bank Robbers and Vandals Operate with a Free Hand; Grim Selection Process: Palestinians lined up - some to be shot; others tortured and interned; "Fighting for our Western values" -- Israeli Soldiers Broadcast Pornography on Palestinian TV; "Israel has Nothing to Hide" -- the calculated Israeli Policy of Shooting and Obstructing Reporters; The History of Judaic Assassinations; Israeli war crimes in Palestinian cities; and much more

"More than 640 people have been killed and 2800 others wounded in the 11-day operation on Gaza, most of them civilians."