The HULK vs The Iron Man.

Day 2,728, 07:43 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Strywgr

So it all started with discussing the movie,

It is not the first time the Hulk has beaten Iron Man in a battle. There have been many battles between them (in the comics). The result is easier to guess, yes The Hulk (LIMITLESS STRENGTH) can beat Iron Man (Money and a Suit) one hand tied and blind folded.

TheJakal also thinks that the fight was equal. Hey you! None of the avengers can go toe to toe with the GREEN-BEAST… get it tattooed on your hand so you will never forget it *grins*.

A quick question! Loki? You know Loki right? How a fight between the Iron Man and Loki would end? No clue? You can see how the Hulk vs Loki ends.. *click click the link below*

And not to forget, the Iron Man had the Hulk-Buster suit on to. Lost a hand, thrown into a building, said sorry twice and even prayed for him to goto sleep ;p

Any comments are welcome! Just don’t go mean, I can turn green any-time.