The eUK Survey

Day 1,690, 09:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Want to post your opinions on two of the most important current sitiuations in the eUK? The Irish Peace Deal, and the French Invasion. Thanks to the new survey, which also asks about your companies and some ePersonal information, you can voice your opinion.

Answer The Survey...
The survey includes questions about your ePersonal information, such as your eUK True Patriot damage. It also includes questions about what factories you own... So get prepared to fill in a lot of boxes. There are also a few boxes to fill your opinion about the two current situations, so take you time and give as much detail as you want.
...And The Results Will Be Posted
Some of the results will likely be posted on Monday. I would love to post later but I am going on holiday and I am busy from Wednesday onwards. The Monday article will be about companies.
I will create an article on Tuesday about the opinions on the Irish Peal Deal and the French Invasion.
~ Re-Shout ~
The eUK Survey
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 6th of July 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.