The eRepublik Economic Model

Day 2,932, 02:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken



no this guy is not suicidal he is pete from game SUPER BLOCK JUMPER you make him jump block and if he does not land he...

ok moving on sorry about that seems you kill him my bad whistle whistle no erep did nothing wrong move along do not keep up the traffic ]

ok then:
I am not talking about the ingame model but the out game dynamics or how eRepublik makes money from teh poor delusional souls.

In online poker a very small percentage is added to every bet. This is what the house gets. Now a site like Pokerstars has up to 300 000 people online at any given time therefore the small percentage actually start making real sense.

A us penny cost 1.7 cents to produce yet is worth a cent.

In eRepublik we have an ingame currency that can be bought gold.

now in the old days Plato mostly relied on gold. People bought gold to buy factories etc and everyone was more or less happy EBERYONE but Plato.

Plato could support a beer habit.

But players grew rich and didnt worry about buying gold anymore because they could use ingame cc to buy gold at 10 gold a day and in say 60 days 600 gold.

Then the war stash and the combat stash was introduced and people actually got more gold for less by buying packs they also goT added beaver fits for buying said entry level stashes.

So many peoples started buying stashes every month. And Plato had a sort of mini salary going. He could afford a weed habit after all these years. No more hangovers for Plato:no more shaky hands the next day after.

So Eberryone was happy. Eberryone but the poor (but what business gives a sh* about the poor anyway). So eberryone but Plato. Plato did not feel rich yet. As he was lie'ing in front of his swimming pool at his modest mouse he said to Misses Plato. I feel only moderately rich . I can go to the casino but I still cry afterwards when I lose 100 grand euro.

There there misses Plato said we will come up with solution.

So Plato said to himself lets add something poor player not have more energy and lets add further salary for Plato a month. And he power pack was create😛

So he big wallet player was happy, poor layer he was unhappy (but what business gives a sh*e for poor layer poor layer below dust layer not swept up on floor) eberyone in effect was happy Butt Plato. Plato was still sad although he could afford ecstasy now he still felt people at he rich dude parties laughed at him behind his back. Look at that poor sucker with his 1000 dollar shoes he so poor hi hi hi hi.

So Plato lie nights awake sweat on his brow because of his poverty.

He dreamed of owning 5000 dollah shoes and giving it away to his gardener after wearing it for 6 months.

And then it camel to Platos a money fountain.

See players had to mucho gold still. So they never had need to buy more gold.

So players would throw his gold in fountain or power spin and gold will dissapear. And player could perhaps win 500 gold if the threw in 200 gold per month for 10 months. And player would not belief how lucky he is.

But the people got suspicious and used such pesky stuff as statistics and sh*te to claim one never actually wins anything. But he big walrus he just poured in money into Platos fountain and he buy more gold afterwards.

So everyone that used the pesky arts started ignoring the power spin. So everyone was more or less hapy except the p but () everyone was happy everyone was happy but Plato's hamster. You see Plato could not afford real gold hamster cage for his hamster with walls of gold 5 inches thick. And a diamond wheel that turned and a mini hamster jacuzzi with a 100000 euro mini hamster stereo playing all the new rad(ancient word meaning uhmm cool(ancient word meaning the shit)) and all teh hamster babes he craved. So Plato's hamster looked at him with sad eyes.

And Plato got angry at first because didnt his hamster has his own personal chef: Chef Louise a small frenchie food chef.

But then Pluto thinked about it and thought to himself: I'm a faileur (a failed european) My hamster much suffer because of my poverty.

And Palto started crying about his poverty and he went to the mall to collect more money . His limo dropped him off there at 8 in the morning and he had a professional hobo coach jeff that taught how to make most money begging.

But Plato only made 10000 euro a day being a beggar at the mall. And gold is expensive .

So Plato tinkered to himself maybe I should bring out more and more and more stashes and introduced infantry kit and blitzkrieg pack and daily gold packs.

So Plato made more money and bought a lot of stuff for his hamster and everyone was happy:

Everyone was happy except Plato because he went to his millionaires club and then he learned how poor he was . Yes Palto was 300 million euro strong but yet and sadly he was not more than a billion strong . He was not a billionaire. He was not member of the billionaire 's club. He later that night taught about his high school friends eberyone a billionaire but him and his upcoming school reunion an how inferior he will feel him being so poor and all. So PLATO tinked tunk tink to himself how would he get out of this financIAL CRISIS.

And so he thought what does every male in europe want and so he concluded it was a bigger * . but how he was no scientist so he came up with a solution special lenses that made tiny things look humongous. And he tried it on misses Plato and as he approached she screamed "wat is that thing" oh my gosh .

but plato only made 300 million before the asshuns starting making cheaper knocks off and flooded the market.

So he still felt poor poor poor. What a lozenge. A faileur.

So Plato thought to himself how do i milk more money from this game and he discovered below the dirt layer on his shoes some poor layers. Oh Kreuka he yelped.

So he come up with plan. Let richies buy poories stashes and so he allowed people to buy he poor stashes

And Plato made plenty of money as people with gold credit cards bought more and ore stashes.

But he only had 800 million euro a hamster with a 5 inch thick golden cage and misses plato at his expensive glass mercy at night. He felt empty inside. He was still not billionaire quality.

Bud sadly we have to end our sad tail here. Because as we speak Plato is working on his next project allowing walruses to have 20 accounts but own lee 20.

This was suggested to Plattered by krakken because krakken said if we allow 20 accounts you dont have to ban walrus children. And walrus can be bring out children and have them play in free eWorld oops I meant paying eWorld.

And walrus can have other sea critter children to splurge on.

And soon Plathos will have his billion and this is pic of happy event.

Happy songs to celebrate the event


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