Teh Deal V.S. Rolo

Day 1,567, 16:58 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl
Today i would like to touch on two infamous subjects. First tHE DEAL that was most recently brought back to light and the second is eCanada's very own Rolo Tahmasee! These two subjects all be them so very different at first glance i feel share some common ground.

Teh Deal

The DAL and CPF most bitter of enemies came together in common arms all over a simple backdoor political deal. The DAL Offered to sell its political endorsement in return for the CPF selling they're political endorsement. This was a historic event only because when the deal exploded after the fact what was once kept so hush hush blew up on to the political scene and into the for front. From that point on it was common knowledge and practice for parties to sell they're support in return for favors and a CP pick at a later date!

Now anyone with half a brain can see where i am going with this however for some people it might be a little over they're heads so here we go?

Rolo Tahmasee

Rolo has managed to gather votes in elections beyond that of many others. Some are supporters but many are just your daily two clickers who just like the parties of old are comfortable with selling they're vote or endorsement for some CAD, Gold or maybe just for a handful of Q5/6 Weapons to swing in the days battle with. Some claim this to be an act of terror and a means of PTOing parties however at the end of the day what he is doing is no different than what we all considered standard political practice in the days of old.

By shear comparison our Country has been PTOed by so many political parties in the past that we would have to start court cases against practically every CP and PP leader of a winning CP for god only knows how far back.

Rolo's means are at the end of the day no different than the likes of DH, Scorpius, TFD, Jacobi, WD and the list could go on and on folks. Back door deals i was once told was the back bone of eCanadian politics and with out them nothing would get done. Well if that is true then Rolo is only playing by the same standards of play as every major political force in the past..

But hey this is just my 2 cents 😉

Cypher Rahl