The Big World War: How the countries performed. [upd CRO]

Day 608, 19:04 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

OK, everybody knows what territories have beed conquered, what territories have been defended, the strategy of retreating and switching the opponents, all great!

Each country has a certain number of citizens, a certain percentage of active players(w>90), you cannot ask (let's say) Canada to have a bigger damage than Indonesia. But still we can compare all the countries for how much effort did they put in the fights.

Now let's take a look of how the countries really performed considering their potential. I used as a reference the potential damage of each country (with Q1, you cannot ask less than that) for fighters with wellness bigger than 90(ready to fight), so very active citizens that should help their country in the biggest war that the New World has ever seen.

Let's see how the opponents scored in the first two battles, Battle of NovaScotia(the biggest one ever) and Battle of Alaska, both covering the first two days of war.

Reference: 1240k (4826 fighters with wellness>90)
NovaScotia: 620k, coef: 0.56
Alaska: 550k, coef: 0.5
This was equivalent with only a half of the players having wellness bigger than 90 and fighting with Q1!

Reference: 1200k (3681 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 603k, coef: 0.56
Alaska: 248k, coef: 0.24
(other 200k wasted in RW)

Reference: 600k (2141 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 390k, coef: 0.65!
Alaska: 147k, coef: 0.24
Good effort in the NovaScotia battle!

Reference: 462k (2342 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 398k, coef: 0.85!!
Alaska: 168k, coef: 0.36
Very good effort in the NovaScotia battle!

Reference: 190k (846 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 68k, coef: 0.35
Alaska: 32k, coef: 0.16
Don't blame the fighters, say 'thank you' to Hassan!

Reference: 220k (851 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 270k, coef: 1.56 (they have the record for the effort defending their country!)
Alaska: 0.29k , coef: 0.29
The canadians fought the battle of their lives in NovaScotia.

Reference: 152k (485 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 90k, coef: 0.59
Alaska: 81k, coef: 0.53
Good and constant effort in both battles.

Reference: 97k (331 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 3k, coef: 0.03
Alaska: 50k, coef: 0.51

Reference: 95k (465 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 16k, coef: 0.16
Alaska: 25k, coef: 0.26

Croatia after the hungarian TO, with the economy and the MPPs destroyed, the croatians coudn't fight from home anywere. Still, check the numbers:
Reference: 222k (877 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 107k, coef: 0.47 !!
Alaska: 46k, coef: 0.20 !
That's pretty amazing, they could takeover the country, but not the people within!!!

On the PEACE side:

Reference: 1620k (6396 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 1160k, coef: 0.71
Alaska: they coudn't fight from home, but still 103k.
(other 400k wasted in RW)
Very good efficiency in the NovaScotia battle.

Reference: 1790k (6559 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 815k, coef: 0.45
Alaska: 530k, coef: 0.29
(other 100k wasted in RW)
The strongest military force in eRepublic was the disappointment of the first two battles, they could fight from home in both battles, still comparing with the hungarians they were no match.

Reference: 223k (1431 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: -
Alaska: 133k, coef: 0.59
For a young country, the serbians did very good in their first big battle.

Reference: 256k (1393 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: -
Alaska: 310k, coef: 1.35
Even Russia is the home of many foreign fighters, the percentage is very good!!

Reference: 215k (956 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 186k, coef: 0.86!
Alaska: they coudn't fight from home

Reference: 156k (498 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 150k, coef: 0.96
Alaska: 207k, coef: 1.32
The italians had the best average in the first two days of war!!

Reference: 134k (495 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 155k, coef: 1.14
Alaska: 90k, coef: 0.67
The iranians also had a very good average!

Reference: 105k (384 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 68k, coef: 0.64
Alaska: 29k, coef: 0.28

Reference: 244k (1059 fighters w>90)
NovaScotia: 26k, coudn't fight from home
Alaska: 141k, coef: 0.58

Now we can see who are the winners and who are the losers in the beginning of this war, who needs to improve and who needs to keep the stroke.

Congrats to those fighting and organizing the things so well!

PS: Congrats also to canadians for taking back Prince Edward Island in RW!
Attacker(Canada): 79 fighters
Defender(France): 327 fighters
A: -83280d, 515f, -161.71d/f
😨 62219d, 1482f, 41.98d/f