Day 389, 00:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice P Fossil

With France and Peace retaining Picardy it would be foolish to lose heart,and courage or to suppose that our well-trained,well-equipped troops cannot defeat the enemy in the long term.
We may look with confidence to the stabilization of the front in France,and to the general engagement of the masses,which will enable the qualities of the EUK troops to be matched squarely against those of thier adversaries.
For myself,i have invincible confidence in the EUK army and its leaders.
Only a small part of France has been yet been invaded by our troops,but there is good evidence to show that practically the whole of the elite forces of the enemy have already been thrown into battle and we know that very heavy losses have been inflicted upon them.
No officer or man,who grapples at close quaters with the enemy,wherever encountered,can fail to make a worthy contribution to the general result,the armies must cast away the idea of resisting behind concrete lines or natural obstacles,and must realize that mastery can only be regained by furious and unrelenting assault.
And this spirit must not only animate the high command,but must inspire every fighting man.
Our task is not only to win the battle,but to win the war.
We must not hesitate to take every step,even the most drastic,to call forth from our citizens the last ounce and the last inch of effort of which they are capable.
The interests of property,the hours of labour,are nothing compared with the struggle of life and honour,for right and freedom,to which we have vowed ourselves.