The 411 on the Super Party

Day 881, 12:40 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." - Alan Cohen

We've all seen this new party that seemingly appeared out of nowhere in American politics.
The American Progressive Front.
But what exactly is it?
Let's dispel some of the rumors about this whole thing.

What is it?

The American Progressive Front is a merger between the old USWP, AAP and Democratic Republicans. It is no secret that there has been a leadership vacuum in the eUS. This merger combines the best of the USWP, AAP and DR. In effective, it will be a super party. The leaders from all the previous parties are working on a constitution even now. The Leadership, by party, is:

USWP: Fionia, Stormin
DemReps: Cromstar, Angelini
AAP: Emmanuel Cruise and Ballman
PP: Obviously changes month-to-month

How Will It Work?

The APF Board will vote on important things. Because it is in it's infancy, the first thing to be done is to write a constitution. Once that is done, the members will decide on what other Board positions are necessary to make the party top notch, but already the parties leadership is extremely active and shows great potential.

Was the USWP PTOd?

No. The Candidate that won was just not the one that the Executive Board of the USWP wanted to win.

Is This Party Just Going To Be Max's Tool?

No. I assure you, every new member feels what they have left behind. The DemReps feel what they have left behind, and the same with the others. Everyone put an extraordinary amount of effort into their previous party, and it hurts to give it up. Because of that, no one will let the party be anyones play thing.

So, What Now?

If the UIP is still secure, and you are still a member of the Democratic Republicans, USWP, or AAP, join the American Progressive Front. It's what your party has decided is best and it already is showing exemplary results." alt>