That's It! I've Had Enough! I'm Leaving!

Day 1,817, 08:46 Published in Cyprus Serbia by The Warior of Jochhism

Hello, I am Jochhi.

I joined this game on February. My first few months where pretty lifeless...
I was banned for multies. Then on May, I rejoined, re-added many friends, and continued to play. The more friends I made, the more interested I became. I later officialy founded Jochhism. Then nothing major. Nt long after, I was candidate for president, I came 3rd place but only a few votes from 2nd. Also during this time, I made friends with SOP. I joined Trololo-Guild and I made a large step from somone with no real group, to someone with a new community, a new irc, a new mu, and best of all, new friends! Also, after the founding of Hiedlaism, I managed to find more fun in Jochhism, because we had an opponent. But one day, I decided a wiki page would be great! I sat for 30 minutes making a page for Jochhists of Perfection! It was later deleted, thus triggering the wiki war which causes me to leave the game. Since then, wiki admins have been consistently insulting Jochhism. A being with no soul decided to ban anyone who mentioned me or my religion. I cannot put up with this behavior any longer, therefore, this is my last day of eRepublik.

I would like to thank all people who have respected me in my time here and I wish you all good luck in RL and I hope you stay as good caring people for the rest of your lives!

If I were to list you all, I would be here forever

Thank you,