Thanks to America from Latvia!

Day 957, 11:36 Published in USA Latvia by tavslikjapieskariens
Reason why

Once again, our bloody red-white-red colored flag is flying over our lands, not all, but its really good start and second chance for us to get back our regions and punish traitor friends.

I want to say thank you to all the countries which citizen helped us in this RW: America, Ukraine, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Belgium and South African friends and all other who helped us! Your effort in liberating our country wont be forgotten!

I hope, that even in the e-future our countries will still be connected and have more things in common.

America, you are awesome!

Latvian flag once again is waving in the wind on the top of president palace, thanks to our new American friends mostly who helped to liberate our region we didnt even hoped to gain back. 🙂