Thank Chocolate McSkittles too, and thank you!

Day 701, 23:22 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

Ever since President Gaius Julius published his latest article, I've received tons of messages thanking me for my involvement in the weapons distribution during the epic Manitoba battle victory.

I worry that since I've been around longer, I'm getting too much credit for this and not enough is going to>Chocolate McSkittles. He distributed more weapons than I did and used his own funds for a while until the government gave us another round of funds.

I may have run the>Welcoming Committee on my own for over 4 months, but the WC wouldn't exist in its current form today without Choc. It was his idea to add the gift company and the moving ticket company which he named after me. I was starting to get burned out believe it or not, and Choc helping out has definitely pushed some of the load off of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still heavily involved and definitely did my share of clicking while handing out weapons. I'm just saying, thank Chocolate McSkittles as well.

The support we've received from all of you, whether it be from the weapons today, at the Welcoming Committee, or in my party PTO efforts has really made me appreciate what an amazing country this is. We've changed for the good since the start of the war. We're working together, for one cause.

We won Manitoba, and couldn't have done it with the efforts of each and every one of you.
We will win Alaska, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Washington eventually, and it will be because of the efforts of each and every one of you.

We're in this together. Today was a great day, let's work to have more of these.
