Take them out from here

Day 2,434, 15:03 Published in Egypt Cuba by Rupert Hallamer

As I promised some time ago, in my II Presidential Address, it seems through the next 25th of this month Congress elections will be held in Egypt, as the nation deserves. As you all know, the path to this situation it’s been so difficult; we tried with all our strength to take the conqueror out, combining diplomacy and war, and we couldn’t do anything. Finally, a thing has been made clear: United, we can.

Why I tell you that? Because it has been demonstrated that in those times, when we are together, when we fight shoulder by shoulder, as a nation, our results in the wars are much better, so taking into account the results we must say that working together is our best weapon. This Government is working perfectly because of its great members but also because of a huge popular support.

Also, we have to thank Aurora and all its members for the support, and all our allies for making this possible. Even we finally get Congress or not, they have returned us the hope, the joy. And that can’t be payed with money, only with an unbreakable bond of friendship.

However, remember that Congress is not here yet: we need to continue fighting against Greece for our complete freedom and always, as I said before, united, Egyptians and Catalans, for the defense of the same motherland. Long live for Egypt!

We fight for our nation! / Lluitem per la nostra nació!


Com vaig prometre fa un temps, en el meu segon discurs presidencial, sembla que aquest dia 25 celebrerarem eleccions al Congrés d’Egipte, tal i com la nació mereix. Com sabeu, el camí fins aquí ha estat difícil; ho hem intentat de totes les maneres, combinant diplomàcia i armes, però fins ara no havíem pogut fer res. Finalment, ha quedat clara una cosa: Units, podem.

Perquè dic tot això? Perquè s’ha demostrat que en aquests temps, quan estem més junts que mai, els nostres resultats són molt millors, per tant agafant aquests com a guia podríem afirmar que la unitat és la nostra millor arma. Aquest Govern funciona perfectament per la gran competència dels seus membres, però també per l’ampli suport popular.

També, cal agraïr a Aurora i tots els seus membres pel suport, i a tots els aliats per fer això possible. Tant si finalment tenim Congrés com si no, ens han retornat l’esperança i la joia que havíem perdut. I això no pot ser pagat amb diners, només amb un indestructible llaç d’amistat.

De totes maneres, recordeu que el Congrés no és aquí encara: necessitem seguir lluitant contra Grècia per a la nostra llibertat complerta i sempre, com abans deia, units, egipcis i catalans, per a la defensa de la mateixa pàtria. Llarga vida a Egipte!

Rupert Hallamer, Director