Table of Contents

Day 561, 06:56 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
Getting started

Chapter One : The Basics
1. The interface part one of two
2. The interface part two of two
3. Experience points
4. Health - an introduction
5. Further reading

Chapter Two : Personal Finance
1. Earning money the hard way
2. Improving your income
3. Speculating
4. Further reading

Chapter Three : The Military
1. Fighting - an introduction
2. How to benefit from a war
3. Ranking up and advanced concepts
4. Further reading

Chapter Four : eMedia
1. Staying updated
2. Publishing
3. Some general tips
4. Further reading

Chapter Five : eBusiness
1. Business basics part one of two
2. Business basics part two of two
3. Business management part one of two
4. Business management part one of two
5. Further reading

Chapter Six : Miscellaneous
1. Personal message formatting
2. Tools
3. Contracts

Chapter Seven : The Political System
1. Parties and voting
2. The Senate
3. Presidency
4. Departments
5. Red tape

Chapter Eight : Private organisations
1. Investment funds
2. Banks
3. Charity