Sunday Interview - Eno Live

Day 1,489, 00:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Yesterday I managed to ask Eno Live a few questions. For the ones do not know who Eno Live is, he is the 5th best player in the United Kingdom with over 70,000 experience! He is also the current president of the Federal Democratic Party which stands as the 6th biggest party in the United Kingdom. Here is what I aske😛

CheetahCurtis:You are currently 5th in the United Kingdom by experience points, how do you get so many?
Eno Live:Through a lot of hard work in my early days before I fully became engrossed into the game till I was about level 28 I never touched the old plastic and used the economical side of the game to gain the gold I needed.
Where as these days now that I’m enjoying the game for what it is I have no qualms using the old plastic from time to time to aid eUK when the chips are down.

CheetahCurtis:You are also the president of the 6th biggest party in the United Kingdom. Do you believe your party could grow and get more members in Congress?
Eno Live:The FDP used to be called UKDP but as everyone could see it looked way to much like another party, so with a little guidance from myself the party is re inventing itself.
We are not going to offering this that and the other to players to join us as we want players to join because they wish to and what to apart from the zombie stigmatism that is associated to some larger parties.
We want our members to be able to make up their own minds on where they should vote even if the case comes around that we are in the top 5 and they vote against a party member for congress because they feel that another candidate in their area is better equipped to do the job at hand.
Not everyone has the same views if that was the case it would be a very boring world indeed but there are those out there that are willing to compromise and it’s those players whom the FDP are seeking to entice into our fold.
Can we expand well I hope that we can only time will tell.

CheetahCurtis:And what does your party want to happen in the United Kingdom?
Eno Live:What everyone wants the very best it can achieve but we have to be realistic eUK is not the power it used to be but we are most defiantly a power that can hurt, like a jack rustle very playful but has a nasty nip lol.
On a personal point of view I’d like the nation to be a little less timid in it’s attacks and at least attempt a big drive even if it means a wipe, at least we could hold our heads up and say we gave it a go, but it truth the firepower the nation deals out at this moment in time is so here there and everywhere that a focus should be given to the lower level players as to where they should fight and if at all possible when.

CheetahCurtis:You dealt 2,554,930 damage against Ireland on day 1,481. How is it possible to deal so much damage in one war?
Eno Live:Storage simple as that learning not to use energy bars and bazookas as soon as you get them but building up a big stockpile to use when the time is right.

CheetahCurtis:As you have played this game for a while now, do you still play as much as you used to play, or have you lost a bit of interest?
Eno Live:Hehe just feels like yesterday I joined compared to some of the players, to be honest I feel I’m playing even more now than ever before and even log on at least 8 times a day just to see what’s going on.

CheetahCurtis:You seem to have alot of buildings, how often do you buy a new building in your land?
Eno Live:Compared to some I have just a small holding lol the only land I buy now is to increase my storage capacity I have all the companies I need to self supply myself with a few little ones to buy a bit of gold on the market with just to tied me over till the end of the month so to speak.

CheetahCurtis:Finally, whats your main tip for earning alot of money for new citizens in eRepublik?
Eno Live:Apart from having plastic focus on Food till you can fully self supply your own food needs, sell all weapons and raw surplus till you get your first Q5 weapons company, and fight barehanded should you not have a supplier of Q5’s for free, train everyday and join a good MU or the armed forces they will guide you where to fight.
Forget about trying for a BH or CH medal they will come in time work on the Mercenary medal it’s a lot easier to get and cost a lot less to get as well.
Work for the best wages you can get if your aiming to be able to self supply if not then work for a weapons compensation company like some MU’s and the armed forces have.
In short if you want a lazy game work for weapons if you want a game with backbone work to be able to fully self supply.

Fortunatly we have players in the United Kingdom who know what they are doing, such as Eno Live. Does anyone have any experience with playing with Eno Live? Or some stories to tell about him? You can comment below. Or maybe you just want to actaully comment on the article.

This article was writen by CheetahCurtis on the 18th of December 2011. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.