Stop ou encore - part 2 - reaction by dionysus

Day 566, 10:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by dionysus

Edit: if you would like to respond, please be sure you read the whole article.

As former president and concerned neutral citizen, I feel it is my need to respond to the article from Belgian Party leader Bicky (found here:

The article points out certain things that they have done and mistakes that others made. Next to the fact it is not a proper way of dealing with the situation, it also seems like pure propaganda against other parties, who have tried their best in helping Belgian Party members learn the game and who have had the best intentions all the time.

First of all I would like to say that the decision made is a slap in the face of Cocoamok, the Prime Minister, who gave it her best to make this government work. In stead of first consulting with her or even expressing these feelings on the forums, BP decided to leave the government without informing anyone beforehand, where it would have been better to speak about things first. This is highly disrespectful against your partners, but especially to Cocoamok, who has always been there for you.

Remember, all the work you do now, pays out in the future. By being part of this government, you are paving the way for future governments with Belgian Party in it. Leaving so soon is in my opinion a mistake and your party can achieve it's ideals much faster if you actually take part in the government.

Everyone makes mistakes

In the article points are given where other parties made mistakes, where other parties did not work as they were supposed to. How about the things Belgian Party did? There was a total disregard for the standard procedure in congress, when a proposal was made ingame. Admitted, perhaps the rule about discussing it first was unknown to the proposer, but there also wasn't any apology about it either. This shows me that the person does not care about the procedures in any way, which is disrespectful to ALL other congressmembers who do follow the procedures like they should.

Many congressmen from Belgian Party are not active on the forums and there are only a few officials from Belgian Party active on IRC. I am happy ThomasRed is active in the government IRC channel and matmatah as well. It's not too difficult to reach the channel, to discuss matters with your colleagues in the government. Even on the forums, bicky only responds when it suits him and he does not respond when questions are asked or attempts are made to resolve certain things.

Bicky says he can't do any work without the access to an organization. There were many things the Minister could do. You don't depend on an organization to be able to do the job. You had other tasks as well as Minister. None of these tasks have actually been done. For someone who claims not to have anything to do as minister, that is just shameful. Adding to that, access to the organization would still mean that the actual state managers would do their job as manager, the Minister was merely supervisor. I am not judging bicky here, who perhaps could be a great Minister. It is however not true that he could not do his job.

There is a claim being made that Dutch is allowed on the forums and French isn't. First of all, forumadmins can't be everywhere all at the same time and can't see every single post. If they see someone posting in Dutch or French, they respond either in the topic or in forum PM and ask for an English translation of the post. Claiming there is discrimination against Walloon people is merely propaganda, especially since Osxy apologized for missing out on the Dutch post (see the following link:

There also was a lot to do about the voting process for the Supreme Court. Belgian Party members were amongst the people who did not agree to the way the voting was done, twice. Frerk decided to listen to what Belgian Party members said and started a new (third) vote. But, again, that was not good according to Belgian Party members. A candidate that did get elected in the other elections (which they rejected at first), now should be officially appointed as judge. I am all for democracy, but a change of mind when a Belgian Party member is elected, is wrong in my eyes. What would have been better is that Belgian Party would have requested a postponement of the elections, work things out internally and then start over again. Instead it was decided to keep confronting Frerk. Indeed, Frerk made some mistakes he should not have, but again, everyone makes mistakes. The stubborness of both Frerk and bicky at least became clear in that discussion.

A point they also speak about: the BEF (Belgian Francs) issue. Many BEF are currently still with the privately owned organization Belgian Local Government. Belgian Party claims that the colleagues in the government are silent. This is complete and utter nonsense. There were many talks with the people in charge of Belgian Local Government, and some people from your coalition partners actually were angry about what was happening. I know, because I was there at the time when it was being discussed. Were you as well, bicky? Your claim they went silent is ridiculous and disrespectful to them who worked hard to help you achieve your wishes.

The end?

Belgian Party already decided to leave the government, without any notice to their partners or even the prime minister who put a lot of trust in the party. An article was made with many claims against their partners and without even talking about the mistakes they made themselves.

It is wrong and it is not a good basis for future cooperations with Belgian Party in this country, if you ask me. A party like LSD has put in many effort to make your party feel welcome and at home, especially people like Cocoamok. So did I, I also tried my best to make it all go as smooth as possible.

The article made is a giant slap in the face of the people who tried to cooperate and put a lot of effort in it.

In my eyes it is wrong and not a proper way of dealing with colleagues. Next to being disrespectful, the article is full with twists of the truth and incorrect statements. There is a certain truth to the article, but they cannot mask the truth that has been twisted. I am sorry, but Belgian Party and especially bicky lost a lot of respect by handling matters this way.

And then to think I almost joined the Belgian Party because I had respect for what they believed in and I wanted to support them in it.

I am sorry if any member of Belgian Party is offended by the article. I just need to express my opinion.

independent citizen