Presidential Statement: Spain vs. France and the Attack of the Headless Chicken

Day 744, 17:21 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

Spain versus France

Obviously, the hot button issue of the day is Spain's attack on France and where the eUSA stands on this issue. Before everyone goes into full blown panic mode, I want to make on thing clear. The eUSA is an ally of Spain. We have always been an ally and we always will be. Although I personally think that attacking France was not Spain's best option, I also recognize that we have no right to dictate policy to Spain. I do not like being told what to do and I don't believe Spain would either. In this game, I have always adopted the philosophy of: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." In France's case I saw an opportunity. They were disillusioned with the course that Hungary, Russia, Indonesia, and Serbia had taken. They never had any intention of joining EDEN or becoming part of our large collection of MPP's. I felt that the best course of action was to reach out to newly these neutral countries and to keep them out of the hands of our enemies who had largely used them for their own self interest.

All of this said, I completely understand the motivation of Spain. They, like us, were used as a PEACE chew toy for a few months and it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth...believe me. From a diplomatic view I might disagree with the attack due to my personal fear that it will drive countries back to their former PEACE allies whose intentions are less than pure. That said, I understand the attack and honestly, if I was in the same position as them, I would be hard pressed not to take the opportunity to push the button and invade say.... the United Kingdom. Revenge is a powerful motivator and I can understand it and in some way at least respect it. My only hope is that once the fight is over, that the bad blood between Spain and France disappears and we can work on a suitable peace between them that keeps everyone satisfied long term.

In regards to our military plans, the United States will be occupied in the next few days if not more. Gaius Julius and I have been working on a plan this past month and we intend to follow through with it. We will honor our commitment to EDEN and defend our allies as we are obligated and enthusiastic to do. That said we have a plan in place that we have sunk a serious amount of time and resources into that we cannot alter.

Indian MPP

I have received a few pm's in the past few days asking me why the United States rejected a MPP offer from India. We have fought to restore Indian territories from the Iranians, so this decision did not come lightly. Without having our State Department or myself consulted fully on the matter, India proposed the MPP without getting our approval on the. It is the policy of this administration, that we will not accept new MPP offers from any country without first discussing it within the Cabinet and with Congress. We have been in contact with officials within the Indian government and the situation is being rectified as we speak. We hope to continue to ahve a long lasting relationship with India. At this time, we still wish to pledge our support for the safety of the Indian nation, and the ultimate goal of total national liberation for India and all other nations that stand up against the oppression of hostile nations.

Election Goals

To quickly answer the multiple pm's I have received from concerned citizens about why I do not have election goals next to my name, I am issuing this following statement: I too have become a victim of the headless chicken. Last night I repeatedly attempted to put them in and finalize them. After every attempt I made to finalize them, I received our decapitated feathered friend. I have contacted the admins and they are currently working on the situation.

I look forward to the election and I am hopeful, I have done enough to earn your trust for a second and final term. I encourage everyone to get out and vote on election day.