Srbija Za Južnu Koreju

Day 1,833, 12:34 Published in Serbia Thailand by dzonyss

Dobro veče dragi prijatelji i sugrađani danasnji broj ću posvetiti Južnoj Koreji jer sam ja njihov ambasador.

Sa večernjašnjim brojem bih VAS zamolio da im pružimo bilo kakvu pomoć
jer su Južno Korejanci zaslužili mnogo više od onog što im mi dajemo.

Sad ću vam malo više ispričati o njima! 🙂

Južna Koreja je mlada i veoma hrabra država u Aziji jer su rekli dosta Rumunskom PTO-u i digli ruke od EDENA.
Koreja je jedina država koja je potpisala MPP sa svim državama ex-ONE saveza sim sa Tajlandom,misleći da ćemo im pomoći.Za taj njihov potez je trebala baš velika hrabrost jer su ih ujedinjeno osvajali Kina i Tajvan,dok ih sad samo drži samo Tajvan i trenutno imaju samo 2 teritorije Chungcheongbuk i Gyeongsangbuk-do sto je relativno malo jer oni ipak imaju 622 državljanina.

Dosta njih je i odustalo jer su izgubili nadu da će im iko pomoći i da će ikad uspeti da se odmbrane od Tajvana,zato pokažimo da nam je još uvek stalo do njih MOLIM svakog igrača koji misli kao i ja da im donira bilo šta što bi im pomoglo kao što je hrana,oružije i novac!
Popunite ovaj OBRAZAC i donirajte Meni,a ja cu to donirati glavnima u Južnoj Koreji.



Good evening dear friends and fellow citizens this artical I will consecrate South Korea because I'm their ambassador.

With tonight number i will ask you to give them any help
South Koreans,because they deserve much more than what we give them.

Now I'll tell you a little more about them! 🙂

South Korea is a young and very brave states in Asia, because they said STOP of the Romanian PTO and abandoned Eden.
Korea is the only country that has signed a MPP with all the ex-ONE except alliance with Thailand, thinking that we would help.For that move was need great courage just because China and Taiwan wipe out many times,while now only Taiwan holds them deleted and thay currently have only two territories Gyeongsangbuk-do
Chungcheongbuk-doand what is a relatively small, because they still have 622 citizens.

And many of them gave up because they have lost hope that they would get anyones help,and that thay ever going to be able to defend from Taiwan, so let's show that we still care about them,I ask each player who thinks as I to donate anything that help them, such as food, guns and money!
Complete This , and donate donate to Me ,and i will donate to the main characters in South Korea.

For South Korea!

tihomir bancov has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
deki91 has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
deki91 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
lollipops1 has transferred 9 Weapons to your storage.
lollipops1 has transferred 6 Weapons to your storage.
lollipops1 has transferred 31 Weapons to your storage.
OskarVNR has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
Dzonyss has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account.
NIScamurlija has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account.
pospana has transferred 80 Weapons to your storage.
Slirus has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage
General Stonewall Jackson has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
buba4ko has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
eBradonja has transferred 500 Food to your storage.