Sorrow So Profound....

Day 1,053, 08:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Donovan Thomas is leaving.

It's like a punch to the gut. It is. DT and I have had a lot of fun together. A lot of fun. He was my Mentor, my Friend, and my greatest Confidant in this game.


What a laugh. This isn't just a game. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or in denial. The Admins need to stop messing around with game functions and realize why the damn thing works. It's not the features they create or the latest bell or whistle. In fact, most of what they do has no bearing on the successes in this game when you think about it.

What they have done is created a way for people all over the world to connect with each other around a common purpose. In our case, Ireland. From there we learn about each other, connect with each other, fight with each other, make each other laugh until I'm bent over, or sorrow so profound it makes tears roll down my face.


Because underneath all this pixilated, coalated, conglomeration of data there is a wholely human experience that cannot be duplicated, similated or imitated.

Reality is what you make it to be.

And the reality is, Donovan moved me in a way few could. Sometimes he was the reason I got out of bed in the morning. Honest truth.

The fact that I have not been on here as much as I used to, is a testament to the damage the Admins have done. It's not fun, it's not purposeful. It's not conducive to the magic that was created, by letting us create, grow, and fight. I'm sure they have thier reasons for making the changes they have. ($) But that is not why I play.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm sort of lost. I've never been lost on here before. It's a strange feeling.

Damn you, Donovan. Why did you make me care so much? I love you, dear man, and my heart is breaking.
