Soft za Plata

Day 1,755, 11:04 Published in Croatia Croatia by El Che ZD

Dear El Ernesto Che,
Recently, you have created content which was declared to be not legal.
Content type: article Content info: Go big or don't go! Reason: Pornography You can see all your penalties in your Law Infringements List page.
Best regards,
Your eRepublik team

Thou shall not contaminate the New World with filth such as External advertising, Spam,Insults, Pornography, Vulgarity or Racism.

Dakle stiglo je naređenje dragog nam Šefa, nema pornografije, nema rasizma, nema uvreda. U ovom svijetu mogu proći samo ratovi i pohlepa za novcem!

Nema straha, bit ce jos onakvih članaka, a ovaj ću malo promijenit, Platu u čast! Čitajte između redaka! 😃

Ova je iz Slavonije, povjerljivi izvor: