Socialist Paradise!

Day 3,154, 07:10 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

It’s time for change. It’s time for renewal. It’s time for socialism.

Long gone are the days when Congress actually worked for the people of this country. The congress forums—once bustling with activity and lively debate—are empty. Our citizens can no longer participate in political discussion, as they are held in back rooms and out of the public lens. It’s time for accountability.

Our citizens sat in the dark as our country was carved up and rented out to Serbia and Romania, not aware of whether this was in coordination with our own government or military aggression. For too long Canada has allowed the corruption of its leadership.

For too long has our political elite been allowed to suckle from the tit of our prosperity at Rylde’s Whorehouse and the Canadian “Progressive” Front, denying us the same.

It’s time to take back what belongs to us—the workers of Canada.

It’s time for a government that redistributes wealth so that we ALL get stronger and fight harder, not just those in elected office and well connected insiders.

It’s time for a political party that actually gives a shit.

Join the Socialist Front and together we will build paradise—the Democratic People’s Republik of Canada.

In solidarity,

Socialist Front