So we are air-striking Serbia

Day 2,891, 07:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

The glorious speech: (Almost brought tears to my eyes)

Hello Ireland and friends of Ireland,
today is another proud day of our eHistory which has been full of epic episodes and glorious wars. Once again we’re marching in the war to help our ally. Once again we’re marching courageously against the bigger country, this time the biggest one. We don’t ask who the enemy is, we just ask where our allies need us to be. Regardless of everything, regardless of the opposition size, our size we will always be the same, we’ll never change. That’s what makes us Irish. Otherwise, this game would have no meaning to us.


The fighting Irish are back and we’re sending the message to all our allies - You’ll never walk alone. We might not make big difference, but we’ll give our best shot to help Croatia, a country which has always been loyal to us, a country which helped us a lot against Portugal recently and a country a lot of our citizens were originally born in.

You see it is well known Croatia has been lately acting like a real k* of old breaking treaties attacking its former allies etc etc. So a group of nations decided we will end this cocky attitude of Croatia and wipe them and perhaps let them come to their senses.

But it was congress approve😛 congress that just kicked a stance opponent of cromega out of congress before this vote. Well done crocongress.

And dear Inept that best friend of Donny said : Do not worry honey comes from private donations. But dont worry Irish players after we lose private donate tins we will change name of to Loans.

MONEY WAS DONATED FOR AN AIRSTRIKE. And in midstream the call comes stop all fighting for Croatia. And my dear friends we see no more CO's in the Irish battle and my dear friends we see nobody fighting in earnest there not even Division 1 which apparently is so stronk!

BECAUSE MY FRIENDS Don Croata has succeeded in turning Ireland and ally of Croatia into a region of Croatia just because dear moomoo feels sorry for our poor toothless brethren and as they lie there discussing the glorious battle the courageous fighters. Moomoo turns to the side just a tiny squeek and let one rip and say to Don speak to me old toothless brother. Speak to me..