So againg a bunch of few cents - this time about CTRL

Day 1,720, 14:23 Published in USA USA by Ariakis
Been a long time I actually wrote an article about anything, not just politics, and since my GoW I actually cared about what's going on in e-world not

...but as one of the unfortunate guys that once upon a time spent A LOT of time on this boring game and played in diplomacy I can't just keep quiet. Even if I'm a bit outside of info/rumours/logs and plots channels.

From what I've heard idea was to gather Poland, Spain, USA and Brazil and to create a loving alliance of 10/10 bonuses. I've even heard that ONE got disbanded in the process, but well - since it's just going to be reformed into PEACE v4 it doesn't really matter.

Just looking at the surface of CTRL idea it looks quite interesting: full bonuses, secured borders, new opportunities.

As if...
Well let's take a look at map:
to maintain resources Poland would have to occupy USA and Brazil allies: France, Germany, even Netherlands,
Spain would have to keep South American countries, but apparently no one cares about them and if they are occupied by Portugal or Spain doesn't matter,
USA could keep Spain regions since they aren't relevant or needed for anything by Spain - there's abundance of deers and iron there, but apparently USA has to go to Canada - at least according to Poles and Spaniards,
Brazil is living happily with their resources and if CTRL would be created no one would particularly care about countries that are occupied.

Sounds good, but what next? As for the moment neither Poland nor Spain want to drop ONEish/whateverish MPPs, which leads to conclusion that no matter what formally happens with alliance it's just like in the past.

On the other hand we have Brazil which still keeps MPPs with TEDEN (cept Romania but it's quite understandable) and USA which dropped most of them in the furious invasion for maple syrup and, well, hockey players?

And now we face a little problem: ex-ONEish countries complaining about focusing 99,99% dmg and time on Balkans wants to move some of this focus elsewhere. At the same time keeping MPPs with Serbia and Hungary and probably Bulgaria - which makes like 3 out of 8 countries involved in eternal holy wars. If we add the Country Which Name Shouldn't Be Spoken it makes unfixing the Balkan fixation possible... like snowing in Hell.

At least if USA and Brazil, which due to influence and different time zone are bigger and more painful torn for PEACE v3/4 than European members of TEDEN, would maintain MPPs with TEDEN (or Atlantis v2/3).

Probably as many of you I've seen some screenshots with PMs between Civil and Polish CP Prophet. Can't say if it's true or not, but well...

If USA (maybe Brazil aswell) would actually drop MPPs with TEDEN then of course ONEish/whateverish advantage in Europe would lead to total domination.

That's of course if US or Brazilian leaders would be actually stupid enough to trust Polish leaders or accept the fact that they are about to leave almost all the allies while other two possible CTRL members would keep all current MPPs.

That of course would also lead to downgrading both USA and Brazil into position of secondary states - without allies they'd be prone to not even military aggression, but to political take over. Why bother with invasion and risk dropping MPPs if it's easier to take it from inside? And in that scenario you can always say that those are private pTOers not government ones.

Since well - who would help them when their allies would be most likely occupied and fighting for freedom against Hungary, Serbia, CWNSBS or UK or any other country that would be a "close and dear" ally of Spoland?
Allies which would feel abandoned and betrayed?

Simply speaking CTRL idea could be interesting but only if it would mean starting things from 0 for all of participants. In any other case it will only lead to a second New World Order - state of the world where there are few dominant countries which keep rest under their feet.
Cept the fact that from what I observe the ones that would benefit the most are the countries coming from PEACE/ONE.

Because seriously what are the options for Brazil and USA after securing borders and resources? Mexico? Canada? Indonesia? Russia? Interesting and enjoyable like hell.

What for the Poland and Spain? Baltic countries or Russia, as for Spain after being perma crippled or occupied while being founding member of ONE resources and secured borders are enough.

Rest of Spolish "friends" would most likely win their holy wars without US and BR firepower which should be enough for a while. And what next?

Ask yourself.

And as for United Balkans idea - if CTRL would be a completely new alliance - where all of members would cut their ties with previous allies, then UB would be a funny counterpart. But well - there's too many holishitness between most of countries there and too much countries for the amount of resources in the area to make it possible.