Slumdog Millionaires

Day 2,476, 15:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We often get called nowadays by this Indian microsoft scamsters .

Once I screamed on the one and our one worker got so afraid she stayed away from work for a couple of days.

I have never asked from where are you making this call because its so blatantly a stupid scam that I dont even know how they can be calling 1000's of people each day.

My favorite when I am busy is to tell them I have Linux.

My sister had put them on hold to speak to the owner of computer in their indian accent. Can I speak to the owner of the computer , Why yes sir but can you wait a few secs he just went to the local samoosa joint to buy himself some.

Not kidding I love samoosas but place throws about half a bottle of spices in theirs. So kinda stopped buying there.

My latest funny one was i pretended i did not have the windows key on my keyboard.

Where is that

Corner Left Sir

No I dont have it. Is there anyway else to reach the program. Dim star their top scamster should have realised then and there he was actually the butt of the joke.

No he said can you look again on your keyboard.

This went on for about 5 minutes.

Which left me wondering. This guy is about to hack into your computer and dont know how to reach a control other than by keyboard.

Oh and this was quite hilarious as well
"The moment when the rough plan become the roughrider plan"

Or was it kinda sad 🙁

Ok this song is about our economy and is set to the tune of she will be coming down the mountains as she comes.

She will plummeting down the markets ♪♫

as she goes. ♪♫♪

She will be plummeting down the markets as she goes♪♫♪

She will be plummeting down the markets as she goes♪♫♪