
Day 2,177, 16:48 Published in Switzerland Canada by Thedillpickl

Veliki e-naciji Sloveniji,
Lepe pozdrave iz Švice,

kot eden izmed kandidatov za predsednika Švice, bi vas prosil za nekaj časa za pogovor o konfliktu med našima državama. Ne mislim zapravljati vas čas. Dovolj je sranja. V ZDA imamo pregovor "To blow sunshine up someones ass." (direktni prevo😛 "Posvetiti sonce nekomu v rit" oz. pomenski prevo😛 zlagati se). Naj vam zagotovim, da se to ne bo zgodilo v času mojega predsedovanja. S slovenskim predsednikom želim vzpostaviti stik že prvi dan. Ponavljajoče RW-je želim pustiti zadaj, tako da se lahko vsi nazaj posvetimo igranju igre.

Hvala za vašo pozornost. Želim vam vse najboljše pri izbiranju predsednika za November in se veselim priložnosti za izboljšavo igranja te igre.

S spoštovanjem,

To the great eNation of Slovenia,
Greetings from Switzerland,

As one of the candidates for President of Switzerland I would like to take a bit of your time so that I may address the conflict between our two countries. I will not waste your time. Bull crap is over and done. We have a saying in the real life US, "To blow sunshine up someones ass.". Let me assure you, that will not be the case during my Presidency. I will desire to have communication with the Slovenian President from day one. I wish to put the repetitive RW's behind us so that we both may move on to play the game.

Thank you for your kind attention. I wish you the best in choosing you President for November and look forward to the chance to make an improvement in how we all play the game.
