Should We Join an Alliance?

Day 785, 17:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Hook
A Short Life

Firstly, I’d like to announce that my “Struggles of a New Citizen” series is over. I know I only wrote two articles for it, but I feel it is rather limiting. If I continued to write them I feel they would be half-hearted and therefore not very interesting or good.

Alliance or No Alliance

On another note, I am going to start another series on the issue of joining or not joining an alliance in eIreland. I plan this to be completely unbiased and a general source of information for the eIrish community to decide where they stand on the issue. I will write an article for each alliance (Phoenix, EDEN, Entente, Staying Independent) with the pros and cons of each plus an interview with either the leader of each alliance or an important character in them. As for staying independent I will try to find someone in eIreland that I feel can represent this cause justly. At the end I will combine all of the articles into one so that you will have a one-stop place for seeing the full scoop.


My first article will be on Phoenix. I have already contacted burakkocamis the Secretary-General and he has agreed to answer some questions for us. I have a few questions in mind such as:

Will eIreland just become a puppet for Phoenix in doing its bidding or will we actually get a say in the alliance’s affairs? If the answer is that we will get a say (I hope so) I will follow it up with;
How do you plan on preventing us from becoming a puppet?

Phoenix seems to be losing the war in Europe, why should we risk our existence in the eWorld for joining your alliance?

And then a more general question:
Why do you think Phoenix is a better fit for eIreland rather then EDEN or Entente?

If you have any corrections to any of these questions or suggestions for questions please leave a comment on the article. This interview is meant for the people of eIreland and therefore the questions should come from them.

Thank you!
Michael Hook
Deputy Minister of New Citizens