Shoe Soliloquy [Party President]

Day 1,943, 10:26 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus
This article is written as PP of the Shoe Party...last night was a triumph

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Welcome to Goodbye Blue Monday, your source for all the news the other papers refuse (or don't want) to cover! And on occasion mildly political stuff, read on~

Possible New Party Logo Pending

Fellow Americans, Shoes, yesterday was a victory, not only for America but for our Party. Some of you may know me, some of you may not, and many of you may realize I only joined this party recently. Still, to me this was democracy in action, and I’d like to think the diverse community that supported me as well as those in AFA/Shoe leadership and those in this party that are willing to work with me going forward.

Like I said, Democracy in action

Previous leaderships have frequently worked to harm the eUnited States, this is well known, and this is why my victory is also a victory for the eUS, however previous leaderships have also done nothing to energize this party, or help it succeed…
Shoe Party members, this changes now, I will not destroy your party, I will bring us forward, those who wish to work with me, please send me a message.

Right now we’re Penny Loafers, tomorrow we’ll be Air Jordans!

More news will be on the way

The Feet Are Liberated,
Proteus Out~

Your Moment of Zen:

Courtesy of xkcd

So that wraps up today's Goodbye Blue Monday

Until Next Time,

Stay Sexy