Serbo-French friendship

Day 2,289, 15:51 Published in Serbia Serbia by Cemi Kmdz

I did an interview with three French ministers. From what I saw most of the French Council for Asterius. The French are strong players but they did not have the support of over MPP to prove it, in any case, until recently fought two strongest countries (think of Poland and Serbia).
It starts a new era, so you will have the opportunity to demonstrate.

Урадиo сам интервју са три француска министра. Колико сам видео већа већина француза је за Астерију. Французи су јаки играчи али нису имали подршку преко МПП да то и докажу, у сваком случају до скоро су ратовали са две најаче земље (мислим на Пољску и Србију).
Креће нова ере, тако да ће имати прилику да се покажу. Ево да погледамо шта су ми одговорили.

Моја питања:

1. Tell me something about yourself?
2. What is the situation in your country (political and among civilians)?
3. Do you think that Poland will not be strong again or a matter of time ?
4. Choose one Alliance, Sirius or Asteria ?
6. What is your opinion on Serbia, which you have gained through this game?
7. Is it realistic MPP between France and Serbia?

Hans.Bauer - Prime Minister

benjiparis - Minister of Defense

Yakou - Minister of Foreign Affairs