Serbia attacks Spain // Serbia ataca España

Day 2,470, 02:53 Published in Spain Spain by deleted876776
(Versión Española más abajo)

According to the latest information contrasted by this newspaper, Serbia has proposed Spain as Natural Enemy. This proposal -if passed- would logically imply war between the two countries:

--> BREAKING NEWS: Serbia is preparing for WAR donating monetary resources from its CT to a government organization:

Spain has been quick in its reaction and its president has proposed SErbia as Natural Enemy as a clear answer to the proposal made by the Serbian President:

In the case of the Serbian proposal, the provisional results (14-1) are too clear to consider this proposal a "troll" one, but we will have to wait in order to see how events may evolve.

From my personal point of view, I would like to detail several things:

a) A country of this size in RL:

Has this size eR:

Serbia is the country in red. Yes, the one that has conquered almost whole Italy.
Serbia is TOP 1. Things are clear.

b) As a matter of fact, Serbia has twice the population of Spain. It has a higher average level than Spain and it has between 3 to 4 times its revenue. In addition, it doubles the monetary reserves of Spain.

In summary, if the proposal is passed -taking into account the size of the alliances and countries- I seriously propose to buy in bulk a great load of vaseline. For sure you will know exactly the purpose of this purchase.




Según últimas informaciones contrastadas, Serbia ha lanzado un Natural Enemy (que de ser aprobado implicaría guerra lógicamente) a España: PROVISIONAL 14-1

ÚLTIMA HORA: Serbia se prepara para la guerra donando recursos de su CT a una organización gubernamental:

España ha sido rápida en su reacción y ha lanzado otro por si se diera el caso del ataque: PROVISIONAL 14-4

Para mí un 14-1 dista mucho de ser algo troll, pero habrá que esperar a ver como se desarrollan los acontecimientos.

Personalmente, y entrando en el campo de la opinión, me gustaría detallar varias cosas:

a) Un país de este tamaño VR:

Tiene este tamaño en eR:

Serbia es el de rojo, sí, el que ha conquistado Italia entera casi.
ESO, es por algo, es el TOP 1. Top Serbia.

b) Intrínsecamente relacionado, nos doblan en población, mayor nivel medio, nos multiplican entre 3 y 4 veces la recaudación y dos veces en reservas solo.

En resumen, si se aprueba teniendo en cuenta también el tamaño de las alianzas, yo iba haciendo una compra al por mayor de vaselina, así nos ahorramos algo.

Un saludo,
